c++ Programming Glossary: stringbuf
Overload handling of std::endl? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2212776/overload-handling-of-stdendl prefixes each line with Plop class MyStreamBuf public std stringbuf std ostream output public MyStreamBuf std ostream str output..
Does the C++ standard mandate poor performance for iostreams, or am I just dealing with a poor implementation? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4340396/does-the-c-standard-mandate-poor-performance-for-iostreams-or-am-i-just-deali ideone.com 9iitv NEW putting binary data directly into stringbuf http ideone.com qc9QA NEW vector char simple iterator plus bounds.. http ideone.com YyrKy Note that the ostringstream and stringbuf versions run fewer iterations because they are so much slower... unknown OS and hardware ostringstream 53 milliseconds stringbuf 27 ms vector char and back_inserter 17.6 ms vector char with..
Custom stream to method in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4366904/custom-stream-to-method-in-c public std ostream private class CLogBuf public std stringbuf private or whatever you need for your application std string..
What is the meaning of numeric_limits<double>::digits10 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/747470/what-is-the-meaning-of-numeric-limitsdoubledigits10 53 os std setprecision 17 os DBL_MAX std cout os.str std stringbuf sb os.str std istream is sb double readDouble 0.0 is readDouble..
C++ cout and cin buffers, and buffers in general http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9274057/c-cout-and-cin-buffers-and-buffers-in-general is reasonable behavior. On the other hand flushing a std stringbuf which is the stream buffer used to implement writing to a std.. string representing its value is constructed when the std stringbuf str member function is called. For user defined stream buffers..