c++ Programming Glossary: string.hpp
Case insensitive string comparison in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11635/case-insensitive-string-comparison-in-c a handy algorithm for this #include boost algorithm string.hpp Or for fewer header dependencies #include boost algorithm string..
Empty check with string split http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12136923/empty-check-with-string-split algorithm #include iterator #include boost algorithm string.hpp using namespace std using namespace boost int main string s..
Create a shared-memory vector of strings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12980716/create-a-shared-memory-vector-of-strings vector.hpp #include boost interprocess containers string.hpp #include boost interprocess allocators allocator.hpp int main..
C++ Boost: what's the cause of this warning? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1301277/c-boost-whats-the-cause-of-this-warning a simple C with Boost like this #include boost algorithm string.hpp int main std string latlonStr hello ergr rg rg boost find_format_all..
How to parse text for a DSL at compile time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17783393/how-to-parse-text-for-a-dsl-at-compile-time metaparse entire_input.hpp #include mpllibs metaparse string.hpp #include mpllibs metaparse transform.hpp #include mpllibs metaparse..
Escaping a C++ string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2417588/escaping-a-c-string #include boost format.hpp #include boost algorithm string.hpp struct character_escaper template typename FindResultT std string..
How can I wrap std::wstring in boost::asio::buffer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3599638/how-can-i-wrap-stdwstring-in-boostasiobuffer MESSAGE_H #define MESSAGE_H #include boost serialization string.hpp #include string struct Message std string _a std string _b template..
C++ template string concatenation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4693819/c-template-string-concatenation c 11 share improve this question #include boost mpl string.hpp #include boost mpl insert_range.hpp #include boost mpl end.hpp..
Is there a way to disable all warnings with a pragma? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/525677/is-there-a-way-to-disable-all-warnings-with-a-pragma #include boost smart_ptr.hpp #include boost algorithm string.hpp #include boost tuple tuple.hpp #include boost utility.hpp #include..
sorting vector of vector of strings in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7114442/sorting-vector-of-vector-of-strings-in-c <iostream #include <vector #include <boost algorithm string.hpp int main int argc char argv std vector <std vector <std..
Convert a String In C++ To Upper Case http://stackoverflow.com/questions/735204/convert-a-string-in-c-to-upper-case Boost string algorithms #include boost algorithm string.hpp #include string std string str Hello World boost to_upper str..
Having a matrix MxN of integers how to group them into polygons with boost geometry? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8039896/having-a-matrix-mxn-of-integers-how-to-group-them-into-polygons-with-boost-geome #include boost shared_ptr.hpp #include boost algorithm string.hpp #include boost geometry geometry.hpp #include boost geometry.. #include boost array.hpp #include boost algorithm string.hpp #include boost geometry geometry.hpp #include boost geometry..
How to split a space separated string into multiple strings in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8683302/how-to-split-a-space-separated-string-into-multiple-strings-in-c the resulting words into a vector #include boost algorithm string.hpp std vector std string strs boost split strs string to split..
Why use Precompiled Headers (C/C++)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/903228/why-use-precompiled-headers-c-c #include numeric BOOST libraries #include boost algorithm string.hpp #include boost lexical_cast.hpp #include boost scoped_array.hpp..
Why does calling boost:split() give so many warnings? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9653155/why-does-calling-boostsplit-give-so-many-warnings #include string #include vector #include boost algorithm string.hpp int _tmain int argc _TCHAR argv std vector std string split_vector..