

c++ Programming Glossary: statistically

Why do people say there is modulo bias when using a random number generator?


rand returns 2 5 or 8 rand 3 2 . Now if we analyze this statistically we very quickly see that the probability of getting a 0 is 4..

Why does changing `const ull` to `const ull&` in function parameter result in performance gain?


a consistent 25 difference meant the difference was statistically significant. Full working code block #include vector #include..

When should I use C++1y automatic return type deduction?


To the small extent that anyone ever comes up with any statistically significant and generally applicable results they are completely..

How to analyze program running time


problems that you need to find. More on all that. For the statistically inclined here's how it works. There are good profilers. The..

Better random algorithm?


How to properly hash the custom struct?


and the corresponding random variable distribution is statistically uniform. If it's not then let's pretend that it is. Then I have..

When should I use do-while instead of while loops? [duplicate]


which showed that loops which tested at the top were statistically much more likely to be correct than their bottom testing counterparts...

Create Random Number Sequence with No Repeats


can produce a sequence 65535 long with no repeats. It's statistically random but of course eminently repeatable. Also if it's done..