c++ Programming Glossary: somthing
std::put_time formats http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12347371/stdput-time-formats get date stamp in YYYY MM DD HH MM SS format. Now I write somthing like this std chrono time_point std chrono system_clock now..
Circular reference in C++ without pointers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1329223/circular-reference-in-c-without-pointers circular references without using pointers I need to have somthing like this struct A struct B A a struct A B b Thanks c pointers..
How to read-write into/from text file with comma separated values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1474790/how-to-read-write-into-from-text-file-with-comma-separated-values then print them out using a fixed width. Then I would do somthing like this. struct LineWriter LineWriter std ostream str int..
Calling class method through NULL class pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2505328/calling-class-method-through-null-class-pointer Under the hood most compilers will transform your class to somthing like this struct _ABC_data int a table of member functions void..
Using Visual Studio project properties effectively for multiple projects and configurations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3502530/using-visual-studio-project-properties-effectively-for-multiple-projects-and-con share improve this question I just found out somthing I didnt think was possible it is not exposed by the GUI that..
How To catch python stdout in c++ code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4307187/how-to-catch-python-stdout-in-c-code returns an empty string char instead of 6... Is there somthing i can do not to loose this output Thaks Alex c python redirect..
Qt - How to get|compile Mysql driver http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6483523/qt-how-to-getcompile-mysql-driver Find the driver sources in the Qt source tree somthing like qt src plugins sqldrivers mysql then build it. The game..