c++ Programming Glossary: some_struct
Initializing an object to all zeroes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2837854/initializing-an-object-to-all-zeroes is the case. Is there any practical difference between some_struct s memset s 0 sizeof s and simply some_struct s 0 Do folks find.. between some_struct s memset s 0 sizeof s and simply some_struct s 0 Do folks find themselves using both with a method for choosing.. enum types can't be which is why in C the common idiom is some_struct s while in C the idiom is some_struct s 0 Note that in C the..
How does std::forward work? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8526598/how-does-stdforward-work wants to employ perfect forwarding template class T struct some_struct T _v template class U some_struct U v _v static_cast U v perfect.. template class T struct some_struct T _v template class U some_struct U v _v static_cast U v perfect forwarding here std forward.. sugar for this And now an example invocation int main some_struct int s1 5 in ctor '5' is rvalue int so 'U' is deduced as 'int'..