c++ Programming Glossary: solution
Do-While and if-else statements in C/C++ macros http://stackoverflow.com/questions/154136/do-while-and-if-else-statements-in-c-c-macros to declare local variables. In the most general case the solution is to use something like do ... while to cause the macro to..
How to split a string in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/236129/how-to-split-a-string-in-c to elegance over efficiency in your answer. The best solution I have right now is #include iostream #include sstream #include..
What is the copy-and-swap idiom? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3279543/what-is-the-copy-and-swap-idiom pitfalls need to be avoided The copy and swap idiom is the solution and elegantly assists the assignment operator in achieving two.. but it needs operator to work correctly. A failed solution Here's how a naive implementation might look the hard part dumb_array.. a class should manage one resource only A successful solution As mentioned the copy and swap idiom will fix all these issues...
RAII and smart pointers in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/395123/raii-and-smart-pointers-in-c it could cause all sorts of funky errors So what's the solution We could create str on the heap using new that way when foo.. Do cool things to or using str return str Of course this solution isn't perfect either. The reason is that we've created str but..
std::wstring VS std::string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/402283/stdwstring-vs-stdstring in all the world before the advent of Unicode. So their solution was an interesting one If an application works with char then..
What is The Rule of Three? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4172722/what-is-the-rule-of-three the same pointer. Exception safety Unfortunately this solution will fail if new char ... throws an exception due to memory.. throws an exception due to memory exhaustion. One possible solution is to introduce a local variable and reorder the statements.. assignment without an explicit check. An even more robust solution to this problem is the copy and swap idiom but I will not go..
Pretty-print C++ STL containers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4850473/pretty-print-c-stl-containers has the necessary iterator Many thanks Update and solution After raising this problem again on Channel 9 I got a fantastic.. templates hence C 0x. I have asked Sven to post the solution here so that I can accept it but in the meantime I'd like to.. pretty print share improve this question This solution was inspired by Marcelo's solution with a few changes #include..
Why can templates only be implemented in the header file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/495021/why-can-templates-only-be-implemented-in-the-header-file wouldn't be able to instantiate the template. A common solution to this is to write the template declaration in a header file.. declaration but is accessible to the compiler. Another solution is to keep the implementation separated and explicitly instantiate..
Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/610245/where-and-why-do-i-have-to-put-the-template-and-typename-keywords float to std string is a compile time error. The simple solution was to add a template typename U struct inUnion . The idea is.. after the last and the C committee said not to work on a solution. template typename T struct derive_from_Has_type SomeBase T..
What is a lambda expression in C++11? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7627098/what-is-a-lambda-expression-in-c11 f cannot be passed to a template function in C 03. The new solution C 11 introduces lambdas allow you to write an inline anonymous..
How to create a DLL with SWIG from Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11693047/how-to-create-a-dll-with-swig-from-visual-studio-2010 and click Next. Click Finish. Right click the Project in Solution Explorer Add Existing Item... and select your .i file. Right..
C++ Accesses an Array out of bounds gives no error, why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1239938/c-accesses-an-array-out-of-bounds-gives-no-error-why does range checking using .at not using indices . EDIT 3 Solution to use std containers when possible instead of raw arrays and..
Output unicode strings in Windows console app http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2492077/output-unicode-strings-in-windows-console-app The trick is an obscure call to _setmode ... _O_U16TEXT . Solution #include iostream #include io.h #include fcntl.h int wmain int..
How to use Boost in Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2629421/how-to-use-boost-in-visual-studio-2010 of your choice e.g. C icu4c 4_8 . Open the Visual Studio Solution in ICU_PATH source allinone . Build All for both debug release..
Finding C++ static initialization order problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/335369/finding-c-static-initialization-order-problems global I am referring to any non local static variable . Solution you must make sure you force the order of destruction. Remember..
Visual Studio 2010's strange “warning LNK4042” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3695174/visual-studio-2010s-strange-warning-lnk4042 is.cpp make.cpp view.cpp and so does the hierarchy in the Solution I always set it up so that it mimicks the real folder structure..
Access C++ shared library from Java: JNI, JNA, CNI, or SWIG? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3720563/access-c-shared-library-from-java-jni-jna-cni-or-swig
Elegant ways to count the frequency of words in a file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4888879/elegant-ways-to-count-the-frequency-of-words-in-a-file std fill rc 'A' rc 'z' 1 std ctype_base alpha return rc 0 Solution 1 int main std map std string int wordCount ifstream input input.imbue.. it wordCount.end it cout it first it second endl Solution 2 struct Counter std map std string int wordCount void operator..
Convert char array to single int? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6093414/convert-char-array-to-single-int There are mulitple ways of converting a string to an int. Solution 1 Using Legacy C functionality int main char hello 5 hello 12345.. char hello 12345 Printf My number is d atoi hello return 0 Solution 2 Using lexical_cast Most Appropriate simplest int x boost lexical_cast.. Appropriate simplest int x boost lexical_cast int 12345 Solution 3 Using C Streams std string hello 123 std stringstream str..
Create WCF service for unmanaged C++ clients http://stackoverflow.com/questions/686452/create-wcf-service-for-unmanaged-c-clients to the project. To do this right click the project in the Solution Explorer window and select the Add New Item... menu item. In.. a Say Hello button to it. Right click the project in the Solution Explorer and select the Properties menu option. Under the General.. and click the OK button. Right click the project in the Solution Explorer and select the Properties menu option. In the Build..
OpenCV 2.3 C++ Visual Studio 2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7011238/opencv-2-3-c-visual-studio-2010 on this little project of ours. Press F7 to Build Solution and you should see Build 1 succeeded 0 failed 0 up to date 0..
Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9371238/why-is-reading-lines-from-stdin-much-slower-in-c-than-python getline is typical and reasonable. Edit 4 was Final Edit Solution Adding cin.sync_with_stdio false Immediately above my original.. would be greatly appreciated by posterity. Edit 5 Better Solution As suggested by Gandalf The Gray below gets is even faster than..
How to generalize a spirit parser to take lists in arbitrary order? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13591660/how-to-generalize-a-spirit-parser-to-take-lists-in-arbitrary-order insertion operator use n if you need a new line. THE SOLUTION What was need in the end was to use phoenix functions push_back..
Implementing the B=f(A) syntax by move assignment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16287644/implementing-the-b-fa-syntax-by-move-assignment example the move assignment or the swap function EDIT NEW SOLUTION FOLLOWING KONRAD RUDOLPH'S COMMENT Matrix operator Matrix other..
“Launch Failed. Binary Not Found.” Snow Leopard and Eclipse C/C++ IDE issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1668447/launch-failed-binary-not-found-snow-leopard-and-eclipse-c-c-ide-issue as the default compiler. This is the way I did it. THE SOLUTION The GCCs are in usr bin which is normally a hidden folder so.. the password for your main admin account. OTHER POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS You may be able to enter build variables into Eclipse. I tried..
sendto: Network unreachable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2782259/sendto-network-unreachable too. Can anyone help me I would really appreciate it. SOLUTION It turns out that the server didn't like the way I set up the..
Unmangling the result of std::type_info::name http://stackoverflow.com/questions/281818/unmangling-the-result-of-stdtype-infoname it attempts to call realloc with a pointer to the stack. SOLUTION Given the attention this question answer receives and the valueable..
Deleting elements from STL set while iterating http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2874441/deleting-elements-from-stl-set-while-iterating operator increments then return it Edit PREFERED SOLUTION I came around a solution that seems more elegant to me even..
Problem when #import C++ Header File in iPhone/iPad Project http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3890552/problem-when-import-c-header-file-in-iphone-ipad-project the .h c class in the objc header file but what p ^^ SOLUTION thanks to Vlad 1° To include the header c file #ifdef __cplusplus..
C++ Parameter's Value Changes Between Stack Frames in std::vector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/433274/c-parameters-value-changes-between-stack-frames-in-stdvector know what might cause something like this to happen EDIT SOLUTION nobugz I could kiss you. The size of std vector was changing..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5198105/calling-a-java-method-from-c-in-android a java method from c in Android THE SOLUTION TO THIS PROBLEM IS IN THE BOTTOM OF THE QUESTION Hi. I'm trying.. to me. Any ideas are welcome. P.S. I'm not a c c guy yet SOLUTION So I quite messed it up with c to c conversion basically env..
sprintf in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5963242/sprintf-in-c select from bla limit std to_string max_limit Done OLD SOLUTION for those who still use C 03. Use stringbuilder and create std..
C++11: how to use range-based for() loop with std::map? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6963894/c11-how-to-use-range-based-for-loop-with-stdmap
Compiling with Clang using Libc++ undefined references http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7016730/compiling-with-clang-using-libc-undefined-references 0xbd3 error undefined reference to '__gxx_personality_v0' SOLUTION Thanks to one of the answers I know the solution. libc can't..