c++ Programming Glossary: sol
Generating Structures dynamically at compile time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11376149/generating-structures-dynamically-at-compile-time
How to find the kth largest element in the union of two sorted arrays? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11679364/how-to-find-the-kth-largest-element-in-the-union-of-two-sorted-arrays v1 i1 1 else return v2 i2 1 int main int p q n k l float sol std cout enter p std endl std cin p std cout enter q std endl.. float std sort v2.data v2.data v2.size std greater float sol getNth v1 v2 k std cout sol std endl std cout v3 k std endl.. v2.size std greater float sol getNth v1 v2 k std cout sol std endl std cout v3 k std endl return 0 and this is what i..
Cross-platform way to get line number of an INI file where given option was found http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8358975/cross-platform-way-to-get-line-number-of-an-ini-file-where-given-option-was-foun std begin iters element.eline get_line std end iters It sol get_line_start _begin std begin iters element.scol get_column.. _begin std begin iters element.scol get_column sol std begin iters element.ecol get_column sol std end iters.. get_column sol std begin iters element.ecol get_column sol std end iters return element #endif private const It _begin..