c++ Programming Glossary: slice
Debug Assertion Failed! Expression: _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1102123/debug-assertion-failed-expression-block-type-is-valid of an block allocated by new . This happens when you slice objects use dead objects etc. You should have a look at your..
What is the difference between throw and throw with arg of caught exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1481612/what-is-the-difference-between-throw-and-throw-with-arg-of-caught-exception naming the exception variable in the throw statement may slice the original exception object. A no argument throw expression..
Get the first column of a matrix represented by a vector of vectors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15778377/get-the-first-column-of-a-matrix-represented-by-a-vector-of-vectors size_t idx const return m_data idx Simple row or column slices vector T Row int row int colBegin 0 int colEnd 1 const vector.. or column but are a little more powerful because you can slice a range by passing one or two more parameters. And yes you can.. add that. You could also add something to return an area slice as another SimpleMatrix T . Have fun. share improve this answer..
C++ valarray vs. vector http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1602451/c-valarray-vs-vector aliasing. Valarrays also have classes which allow you to slice them up in a reasonably easy way although that part of the standard..
Heap fragmentation and windows memory manager http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1684004/heap-fragmentation-and-windows-memory-manager submit feature requests or contributions. Typically thin slices at fixed points in the address space are caused by linked dlls.. parts of the dlls can all be shared between processes. The slice that you can see is nothing to worry about it barely cuts anything..
Spinlock versus Semaphore http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195853/spinlock-versus-semaphore or 10 20 million cycles for losing the remainder of a time slice. On the other hand given high congestion or if the lock is being.. of contention acquiring the lock takes around 1 1 2 time slices in the best case assuming the releasing thread is the next..
Common Uses For Pointers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2144698/common-uses-for-pointers the same object from two different places. When I need to slice an array without copying it. When I need to write directly to..
Should I use DirectInput or Windows message loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2165230/should-i-use-directinput-or-windows-message-loop are no more messages to handle right now do some game slice processing. Of course your actual pump will likely be even..
How can I use a std::valarray to store/manipulate a contiguous 2D array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2187648/how-can-i-use-a-stdvalarray-to-store-manipulate-a-contiguous-2d-array row size_t column column major return m_storage std slice column m_height m_stride row row major return m_storage std.. m_height m_stride row row major return m_storage std slice row m_stride m_height column private std valarray element_type.. provides many interesting ways to access elements via slices masks multidimentional slices or an indirection table. See..
Object Slicing, Is it advantage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2389125/object-slicing-is-it-advantage improve this question In C you should think of an object slice as a conversion from the derived type to the base type . A brand.. have at least one pure virtual function and hence not be sliceable or passable by value. So any example I gave where an object.. class to the base class and that by definition is a slice . In that spirit here's an example struct Soldier string name..
What does slicing mean in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2432683/what-does-slicing-mean-in-c mentioned in C FAQ site larger derived class objects get sliced when passed by value as a base class object what does slicing.. its own versions. If x is an object of class D then we can slice x with respect to C by throwing away all of the extensions that.. a argument type that is a C and you supply a D it will be sliced if you are doing call by value pointer or reference. See the..
C++, Access Violation using OpenCV to get RGB value of pixel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3851604/c-access-violation-using-opencv-to-get-rgb-value-of-pixel an error and this time in an even stranger place IplImage slice cvLoadImage test.png int bpp slice nChannels The error occurs.. stranger place IplImage slice cvLoadImage test.png int bpp slice nChannels The error occurs on the second line and is still an.. this question The problem probably caused by IplImage slice cvLoadImage test.png if the function failed variable slice will..
difference between a pointer and reference parameter? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/620604/difference-between-a-pointer-and-reference-parameter or if they are passed a bar or a subclass of bar Does this slice anything bar ref ptr_to_bar c pointers reference slicing ..