c++ Programming Glossary: seeded
How do you generate a random double uniformly distributed between 0 and 1 from C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1340729/how-do-you-generate-a-random-double-uniformly-distributed-between-0-and-1-from-c and fast . obviously the random number generated has to be seeded the standard procedure is something like srand unsigned time..
Generate Random numbers without using any external functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15038174/generate-random-numbers-without-using-any-external-functions external sources like the system environment. Every well seeded random number generator makes use of some external sources...
C++ Predictable Rand() Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17385541/c-predictable-rand-output rand function produced the same output of 41 each time I seeded the generator using srand time 0 . That solved the problem of..
Can you help me get my head around openssl public key encryption with rsa.h in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2012645/can-you-help-me-get-my-head-around-openssl-public-key-encryption-with-rsa-h-in-c numbers themselves using a cryptographically strong RNG seeded from an appropriate entropy source . You are setting the IV..
Random number generation in C++11 , how to generate , how do they work? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7114043/random-number-generation-in-c11-how-to-generate-how-do-they-work provide each thread with its own thread local engine seeded on a thread local seed or synchronize access to the engine object...
Program is generating same random numbers on each run? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7592129/program-is-generating-same-random-numbers-on-each-run command in Linux it didn't find any differences . It's seeded by time NULL so it should change every time right Here's my.. c random minesweeper share improve this question It's seeded by time NULL If it is I can't see it. In fact a search for it.. if you don't explicitly seed is the same as if you had seeded it with the value 1. You need to explicitly state srand time..