c++ Programming Glossary: secondly
List Iterator Remove() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1016307/list-iterator-remove although not in yours since it can remove more than one. Secondly you are probably using the wrong method. Remove will iterate..
Differences between dynamic memory and “ordinary” memory http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1021138/differences-between-dynamic-memory-and-ordinary-memory is necessary at all unless you're declaring an array. Secondly if I were to make a simple function such as this int myfunc..
Why is the time complexity of both DFS and BFS O( V + E ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11468621/why-is-the-time-complexity-of-both-dfs-and-bfs-o-v-e where v is vertex 1 to n Firstly is what I've said correct Secondly how is this O N E and intuition as to why would be really nice...
“What happened to my SFINAE” redux: conditional template class members? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11531989/what-happened-to-my-sfinae-redux-conditional-template-class-members condition or redefine your own disable_if construct . Secondly for SFINAE to reach in and apply to the method level those methods..
C++ Thread, shared data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/118199/c-thread-shared-data or not it can see that doSomethingElse doesn't touch it . Secondly depending on your processor and ordering needs you may need..
Memory management patterns in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14539624/memory-management-patterns-in-c shared_ptr or unique ownership unique_ptr is desired. Secondly you need to avoid circular references of shared_ptr which would..
Overload resolution with ref-qualifiers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17130607/overload-resolution-with-ref-qualifiers int main bar foo The expression foo is a class prvalue. Secondly the non const lvalue reference version is not viable as a prvalue..
Can you allocate a very large single chunk of memory ( > 4GB ) in c or c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/181050/can-you-allocate-a-very-large-single-chunk-of-memory-4gb-in-c-or-c work you absolutely would have to use a 64 bit processor. Secondly it would depend on the Operating System support for allocating..
What is the member variables list after the colon in a constructor good for? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/210616/what-is-the-member-variables-list-after-the-colon-in-a-constructor-good-for that TransparentObject is a member of TransparentObject . Secondly you are correct in assuming that the body of the constructor..
Can I write Windows drivers with Delphi 2010? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2263474/can-i-write-windows-drivers-with-delphi-2010 you're really dedicated but it won't be straightforward. Secondly KMDF drivers I don't know about UMDF actually can anyone comment..
How can I create an Image in GDI+ from a Base64-Encoded string in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2746855/how-can-i-create-an-image-in-gdi-from-a-base64-encoded-string-in-c The first Google result for this looks to be pretty good. Secondly you'll need to convert those bits to a Bitmap object. I followed..
Forward Declaration of a Base Class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/389957/forward-declaration-of-a-base-class the header you're probably taking a good idea too far. Secondly as pointed out in a comment std string is a typedef to std basic_string..
RAII and smart pointers in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/395123/raii-and-smart-pointers-in-c of strings copying a string tends to be inexpensive. Secondly due to what's known as named return value optimisation returning..
Performance of dynamic_cast? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4050901/performance-of-dynamic-cast i.e. doing the equivalent but without the dynamic casting. Secondly you need to ensure the compiler isn't giving you false results..
Double dispatch/multimethods in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/429849/double-dispatch-multimethods-in-c have a common method that they can call in each other. Secondly there is only one Processor i.e. nothing inherits from it ...
Should I include stddef.h or cstddef? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5079325/should-i-include-stddef-h-or-cstddef a.o. are macros. Do you know which ones are macros in C Secondly only a couple standard C headers are required to have the cfoo..
Semaphore implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6000674/semaphore-implementation library that would let me block spawn kill my threads. Secondly are there any libraries out there that already implement semaphores..
How does Excel successfully Rounds Floating numbers even though they are imprecise? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6930786/how-does-excel-successfully-rounds-floating-numbers-even-though-they-are-impreci used approach it certainly is not the only approach. Secondly this isn't a tie breaking situation. The numerical value in..
Clang on Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8882753/clang-on-windows In other words I've built it using Visual Studio 2010. Secondly I've manually set include and library paths to MinGW distribution..
Mixing ifstream getline and >> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9336209/mixing-ifstream-getline-and First of all start using std string s and std getline . Secondly the reason for the trashing is that there's still a newline..