c++ Programming Glossary: sdl_geterror
Ubuntu SDL program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12513682/ubuntu-sdl-program event if status printf SDL_WaitEvent error s n SDL_GetError return false switch event.type case SDL_KEYDOWN key SDL_GetKeyName.. 0 fprintf stderr Erro na inicializacao do SDL s n SDL_GetError exit 1 atexit SDL_Quit tamanho da janela resoluĆ§Ć£o bits screen.. NULL fprintf stderr Erro na resolucao 640x480 video s n SDL_GetError exit 1 wait_for_events return 0 c ubuntu sdl share improve..
Audio output with video processing with opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8187745/audio-output-with-video-processing-with-opencv wanted_spec spec 0 fprintf stderr SDL_OpenAudio s n SDL_GetError exit 1 AVCodec aCodec avcodec_find_decoder aCodecCtx codec_id.. fprintf stderr Could not initialize SDL s n SDL_GetError return 1 Init ffmpeg and setup some SDL stuff related to Audio..
Decode audio and video and process both streams — ffmpeg, sdl, opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9429342/decode-audio-and-video-and-process-both-streams-ffmpeg-sdl-opencv wanted_spec spec 0 fprintf stderr SDL_OpenAudio s n SDL_GetError exit 1 AVCodec aCodec avcodec_find_decoder aCodecCtx codec_id.. fprintf stderr Could not initialize SDL s n SDL_GetError return 1 Init ffmpeg and setup some SDL stuff related to Audio..