c++ Programming Glossary: resets
Usage of volatile specifier in C/C++/Java http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1063133/usage-of-volatile-specifier-in-c-c-java timer counts down for 5 seconds turns the light off and resets the memory location to 0. Now you are developing a c program..
Simple Linux Signal Handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17942034/simple-linux-signal-handling Before the signal handling function is called the library resets the signal so that the default action is performed if the same..
ReleaseSemaphore does not release the semaphore http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2375132/releasesemaphore-does-not-release-the-semaphore FALSE the main thread waits for all worker threads and resets the semaphore for int i 0 i numCPU i WaitForSingleObject semaphore..
C++ for-loop - size_type vs. size_t http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4849678/c-for-loop-size-type-vs-size-t Primer book Chapter 3 there is the following for loop that resets the elements in the vector to zero. for vector int size_type..
What happens when a computer program runs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5162580/what-happens-when-a-computer-program-runs address previously allocated then issues a RET which resets the stack frame based on the arg list and returns to the address..
How to enable_shared_from_this of both parend and derived http://stackoverflow.com/questions/657155/how-to-enable-shared-from-this-of-both-parend-and-derived only a shared_ptr bar1 would increment the counter and resets itself. When you call bar1 shared_from_this in get_callback..
I want to make my own Malloc http://stackoverflow.com/questions/732617/i-want-to-make-my-own-malloc the memory and returns a pointer. When you free it just resets the in use flag. The trick is that when you do a lot of mallooc..
What is the C++ equivalent for AutoResetEvent under Linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8128221/what-is-the-c-equivalent-for-autoresetevent-under-linux pthread_cond_wait signal_ protect_ flag_ false waiting resets the flag pthread_mutex_unlock protect_ return true AutoResetEvent..
Why is splitting a string slower in C++ than Python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9378500/why-is-splitting-a-string-slower-in-c-than-python though faster than the python implementation that resets appends the list as shown in the above edit usr bin time cat..