c++ Programming Glossary: rejected
Reflective Factory in C++ Derived class unable to access protected methods? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10193280/reflective-factory-in-c-derived-class-unable-to-access-protected-methods the code clang comeau reject it and it could be rightfully rejected I would have to look into the standard . At any rate a simple..
Design a nondeterministic finite automata in c++ (incorrect output) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10626414/design-a-nondeterministic-finite-automata-in-c-incorrect-output accepting 0 print String accepted else print String rejected This can be translated line by line into C code. To make this..
C++ confusing attribute name for member template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10671406/c-confusing-attribute-name-for-member-template bug includes an explanation of why this code was being rejected and why the code is correct reproduced here slightly tweaked..
C++11 - declaring non-static data members as 'auto' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11302981/c11-declaring-non-static-data-members-as-auto this restriction however it seems this proposal has been rejected probably due to the above rationale and also so that expected..
How to run application which requires admin rights from one that doesn't have them [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11586139/how-to-run-application-which-requires-admin-rights-from-one-that-doesnt-have-th child INFINITE CloseHandle pid else User rejected UAC prompt. return FAILURE return SUCCESS return SUCCESS Finally..
Boost Spirit Signals Successful Parsing Despite Token Being Incomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12864978/boost-spirit-signals-successful-parsing-despite-token-being-incomplete is doing just that. What am I missing to get the third one rejected Also if you read the code below in comments there is another..
What's the difference between C++0x concepts and The Boost Concept Check Library (BCCL)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1352571/whats-the-difference-between-c0x-concepts-and-the-boost-concept-check-library although the concepts don't require such an operator. The rejected concepts proposal creates archetypes for you automatically based.. stream iterator accidentally would pass that check In the rejected proposal you had to explicitly put auto in front of concept.. failure seems to cause a hard compilation error. The rejected proposal allows the following template ForwardIterator I I difference_type..
Can an enum class be converted to the underlying type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14589417/can-an-enum-class-be-converted-to-the-underlying-type 1 unsigned a my_fields field That assignment is being rejected by GCC. error cannot convert 'my_fields' to 'unsigned int' in..
Is there a way to simulate the C++ 'friend' concept in Java? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/182278/is-there-a-way-to-simulate-the-c-friend-concept-in-java improve this question The designers of Java explicitly rejected the idea of friend as it works in C . You put your friends in..
Inherit interfaces which share a method name http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2004820/inherit-interfaces-which-share-a-method-name proposal to handle this specific case elegantly but it was rejected because such name clashes were unlikely to become common enough..
Most portable and reliable way to get the address of variable in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2333321/most-portable-and-reliable-way-to-get-the-address-of-variable-in-c on types to be used with offset_of . Those solutions were rejected when the reinterpret_cast solution was brought up. Since this..
Are C/C++/ObjC/JS Apple's only allowed langauges for iPhone development? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2603279/are-c-c-objc-js-apples-only-allowed-langauges-for-iphone-development C or JavaScript you run the risk of having your app rejected from the App Store on those grounds. share improve this answer..
UITextView w/ Syntax Highlighting [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2638752/uitextview-w-syntax-highlighting feature regression I was hooped. Update The sample app was rejected by Apple when I submitted it they claimed limited functionality..
priority queue with limited space: looking for a good algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2933758/priority-queue-with-limited-space-looking-for-a-good-algorithm heaps seem ideal for your purpose. I am not sure why you rejected them. You use a max heap. Say you have an N element heap implemented..
C++ Logging Library recommendation [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3084052/c-logging-library-recommendation Torjo's Boost Logging library but it seems to have been rejected as part of Boost which is a little disconcerting. What other..
How did this person code “Hello World” with Microsoft Paint? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5588649/how-did-this-person-code-hello-world-with-microsoft-paint from this Stack Overflow question Why was this program rejected by three compilers How is this bitmap able to show a C program..
Is the typedef-name optional in a typedef declaration? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6399898/is-the-typedef-name-optional-in-a-typedef-declaration But not with an unnamed struct in which case the code was rejected in g 4.2 4.6 with error missing type name in typedef declaration..
Throwing the fattest people off of an overloaded airplane. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7746648/throwing-the-fattest-people-off-of-an-overloaded-airplane quite similar the majority of your candidates will be rejected because they're lighter than the lightest person already on..
Design a nondeterministic finite automata in c++ (incorrect output) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10626414/design-a-nondeterministic-finite-automata-in-c-incorrect-output strings. the expected output is Test Case #2 aaabcccc Rejected aabbbbcdc Rejected abbcdddcc Rejected acdddddd Accepted abc.. output is Test Case #2 aaabcccc Rejected aabbbbcdc Rejected abbcdddcc Rejected acdddddd Accepted abc Accepted The output.. Case #2 aaabcccc Rejected aabbbbcdc Rejected abbcdddcc Rejected acdddddd Accepted abc Accepted The output resulting in my code..