c++ Programming Glossary: qxmlquery
How do I run XPath queries in QT? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1286842/how-do-i-run-xpath-queries-in-qt tags with specific values in a certain attribute. The QXmlQuery documentation is anything but legible. The schema I'm parsing.. xpath expressions . The solution I came to was to use QXmlQuery to generate an XML file then parse it again using QDomDocument... QDomDocument. RhythmboxTrackModel RhythmboxTrackModel QXmlQuery query QXmlQuery entries QString res QDomDocument rhythmdb Try..
How does one bind namespace prefixes when using QXmlQuery (Qt XQuery)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5011557/how-does-one-bind-namespace-prefixes-when-using-qxmlquery-qt-xquery does one bind namespace prefixes when using QXmlQuery Qt XQuery I'm attempting to use QXmlQuery to execute an XQuery.. when using QXmlQuery Qt XQuery I'm attempting to use QXmlQuery to execute an XQuery expression against a document with a declared.. temp my.xml temp.open QIODevice ReadOnly QIODevice Text QXmlQuery query query.setFocus temp QXmlResultItems items query.setQuery..