c++ Programming Glossary: qvector
STL or Qt containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1668259/stl-or-qt-containers What are the pros and cons of using Qt containers QMap QVector etc. over their STL equivalent I can see one reason to prefer..
Find valid assignments of integers in arrays (permutations with given order) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4625160/find-valid-assignments-of-integers-in-arrays-permutations-with-given-order arrange in the arrays are stored in an array or for me a QVector Can anybody help me change the algorithm so that it gives me.. me each possible valid combination of the numbers in the QVector to the QVector QVector so that I can do further computations.. valid combination of the numbers in the QVector to the QVector QVector so that I can do further computations on each one QVector..
QVector vs QList http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6602036/qvector-vs-qlist vs QList I have a list of integers that I need to iterate over.. this is the extent of what I know QList QLinkedList and QVector provide similar functionality. Here's an overview For most purposes.. iterator based API and it is usually faster than QVector because of the way it stores its items in memory. It also expands..
C++ vector literals, or something like them http://stackoverflow.com/questions/758118/c-vector-literals-or-something-like-them ... or using Qt's containers which let you do it in one go QVector QVector QVector string vvvs QVector QVector QVector string .. Qt's containers which let you do it in one go QVector QVector QVector string vvvs QVector QVector QVector string QVector.. containers which let you do it in one go QVector QVector QVector string vvvs QVector QVector QVector string QVector QVector..
Mixing Qt with STL and Boost - are there any bridges to make it easy? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/848269/mixing-qt-with-stl-and-boost-are-there-any-bridges-to-make-it-easy int main int argc char argv namespace io boost iostreams QVector int data QFile fl temp.bin fl.open QIODevice ReadWrite io stream..