

c++ Programming Glossary: qurl

How can i get content of web-page


to repair it QNetworkRequest request new QNetworkRequest QUrl http ru.wiktionary.org wiki bovo request setRawHeader User Agent.. void MyClass fetch m_manager get QNetworkRequest QUrl http stackoverflow.com void MyClass replyFinished QNetworkReply..

Unknown module(s) in QT: webkit


to make use of these includes #include QWebView #include QUrl Any ideas c qt webkit qtwebkit share improve this question.. That will add the module needed to use QWebView. QUrl is in the core module so you don't need the network module...

Dynamically set imageSource in ImageView Blackberry 10


num void logoutWebService void imageFetcher void get const QUrl url void post const QVariantMap body const QUrl url Q_SIGNALS.. get const QUrl url void post const QVariantMap body const QUrl url Q_SIGNALS void complete const QVariantList info void newsfeedComplete.. QNetworkRequest #include QSslConfiguration #include QUrl #include bb data JsonDataAccess #include QDateTime #include..

How can I create a HTTP POST request with Qt 4.6.1?


QNetworkAccessManager nwam QNetworkRequest request QUrl http api.eve online.com account Characters.xml.aspx request.setHeader.. application x www form urlencoded QByteArray data QUrl params params.addQueryItem userid user params.addQueryItem apiKey..

QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread


void ResultThread run _net_acc_mgr.post QNetworkRequest QUrl http omitted QByteArray _post_data.toStdString .c_str Whenever..

How do I HTML-/ URL-Encode a std::wstring containing Unicode characters?


scoped_array.hpp #include QtCore QString #include QtCore QUrl #include QtCore QVector #include unicode utypes.h #include unicode.. fromWCharArray L イ 索 サ ま const QUrl url str std cout URL encoded url.toEncoded .constData std endl..

Downloading File in Qt From URL


qint64 total QtDownload.cpp #include qtdownload.h #include QUrl #include QNetworkRequest #include QFile QtDownload QtDownload.. delete data data 0 void QtDownload download QUrl url QUrl fromEncoded this target.toLocal8Bit QNetworkRequest.. delete data data 0 void QtDownload download QUrl url QUrl fromEncoded this target.toLocal8Bit QNetworkRequest request..

Communication between C++ and QML


QDeclarativeView viewer QMLCppBinder viewer.setSource QUrl qml Connect main.qml viewer.showFullScreen ERROR QObject test.. Image objectName theImage in C ... QDeclarativeView view QUrl main.qml view.show get root object QObject rootObject dynamic_cast..

How to make a transparent window with Qt Quick?


Qt FramelessWindowHint set QML file setSource QUrl main.qml MainWindow ~MainWindow main.qml import QtQuick 1.0..