c++ Programming Glossary: propagation
C++ refactoring: conditional expansion and block elimination http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10102610/c-refactoring-conditional-expansion-and-block-elimination cannot do by themselves is value in your case constant propagation across assignments. For this you need flow analysis so that..
Is < faster than <=? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12135518/is-faster-than more or less time than one testing only one Ignoring gate propagation delay which is much less than the clock period. Edit Floating..
pass attribute to child rule in boost spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12520649/pass-attribute-to-child-rule-in-boost-spirit way for me. Is it possible to us automatic attribute propagation in matrixBlock_ instead of semantic actions typedef vector columnT..
Modern C++ style neural network libraries? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1484225/modern-c-style-neural-network-libraries providing the basic multi layer perceptron with back propagation and possibly teachers I did find only libraries which seem to..
Why does the output of >> applied on a negative number is filled with ones on the MSBs if it's declared as integer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15729765/why-does-the-output-of-applied-on-a-negative-number-is-filled-with-ones-on-th all right most 31 bits are shift out and loss and due to propagation of sign bit that is 1 for negative number all bits value becomes..
To throw or not to throw exceptions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3490153/to-throw-or-not-to-throw-exceptions elegant way of handling unexpected errors but Exception propagation depending on the compiler and platform may be slower than ordinary..
Propagate constness to data pointed by member variables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4729820/propagate-constness-to-data-pointed-by-member-variables because it is one of the case where I think constness propagation would be very useful . When using pointers this can easily be.. questions about this Are there some issues with constness propagation that I have overseen If not are there any libraries that provide.. any libraries that provide classes to obtain constness propagation Wouldn't it be useful that the common smart pointers unique_ptr..
Is there a general consensus in the C++ community on when exceptions should be used? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5609503/is-there-a-general-consensus-in-the-c-community-on-when-exceptions-should-be-u bundle of data . The only difference there is is their propagation methods errors have to be passed down manually exceptions are..
How to add qi::symbols in grammar<Iterator,double()>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8780604/how-to-add-qisymbols-in-grammariterator-double of a Semantic Action will suppress all automatic attribute propagation. That is helpful in case the required customization points do..
Is inline assembly language slower than native C++ code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9601427/is-inline-assembly-language-slower-than-native-c-code that compilers use such as register allocation constant propagation common subexpression elimination across functions instruction..