c++ Programming Glossary: promises
Autocompletion in Vim http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1115876/autocompletion-in-vim least the following things. Syntax awareness . cppcomplete promises but doesn't deliver for me correct scope aware auto completion..
Why GCC does not use LOAD(without fence) and STORE+SFENCE for std::memory_order_seq_cst? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19047327/why-gcc-does-not-use-loadwithout-fence-and-storesfence-for-stdmemory-order atomic instruction mov is a legacy instruction and Intel promises ordered memory semantics for legacy instructions to be compatible..
Concurrent programming c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/218786/concurrent-programming-c std condition_variable std condition_variable_any futures promises and packaged tasks to simplify passing data between threads..
Opening fstream with file with Unicode file name under Windows using non-MSVC compiler http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2316672/opening-fstream-with-file-with-unicode-file-name-under-windows-using-non-msvc-co there's no standard way to do that although C 0x 1x promises to do that. Until then you properly assumed that a solution..
Deriving an abstract class from concrete class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/310408/deriving-an-abstract-class-from-concrete-class it Juice imposes certain requirements and makes certain promises. Derived classes' implementations of Juice must require no more..
Replacing ld with gold - any experience? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3476093/replacing-ld-with-gold-any-experience Has anyone tried to use gold instead of ld gold promises to be much faster than ld so it may help speeding up test cycles..
C++ cross-compiler from Windows to Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4769968/c-cross-compiler-from-windows-to-linux build linux applications from inside Visual Studio. VS2010 promises to let you build with other toolchains such as gcc but you'd..
“Observable behaviour” and compiler freedom to eliminate/transform pieces c++ code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6664471/observable-behaviour-and-compiler-freedom-to-eliminate-transform-pieces-c-co to the same memory. strlen takes a const pointer and so it promises not to modify the contained memory and the function is pure.. modify the contained memory and the function is pure so it promises not to modify any other state. The array is not modified inside..
Running small C++ programs in Visual Studio without creating projects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/880803/running-small-c-programs-in-visual-studio-without-creating-projects so I can test for compatibility easily. I make no promises about it other than I find it useful for my own purposes if..