c++ Programming Glossary: project's
Directory structure for C++ library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1398445/directory-structure-for-c-library is in order. The first thing I'd like to improve is the project's directory structure. I'd like to create a structure that is..
Visual Studio: Run C++ project Post-Build Event even if project is up-to-date http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1937702/visual-studio-run-c-project-post-build-event-even-if-project-is-up-to-date but runs on a Build only if changes have been made to the project's source. If I do a Build without making any changes Visual Studio..
How to write a GUI for a large cross-platform C++ project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2191684/how-to-write-a-gui-for-a-large-cross-platform-c-project it a good idea to have a browser based GUI Even though the project's core logic is cross platform I can decide that the GUI will.. then you might opt for a web interface. Even though the project's core logic is cross platform I can decide that the GUI will..
Creating simple c++.net wrapper. Step-by-step http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2637571/creating-simple-c-net-wrapper-step-by-step unmanaged c library using it. So what I have 1 unmanaged project's header files. 2 unmanaged project's libraries .dll's and .lib's.. I have 1 unmanaged project's header files. 2 unmanaged project's libraries .dll's and .lib's 3 an empty C .NET project which..
fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_system-vc90-mt-gd-1_43.lib' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2889394/fatal-error-lnk1104-cannot-open-file-libboost-system-vc90-mt-gd-1-43-lib to include the lib file. You do this by going into the project's properties Configuration Properties Linker General. Add the..
D_WIN32_WINNT compiler warning with Boost http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3000231/d-win32-winnt-compiler-warning-with-boost compiler command line or 1 add _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 to your project's Preprocessor Definitions. c boost preprocessor share improve.. you tried the third solution which was to go in to your project's settings ... and under the Configuration Properties C C PreProcessor..
Where to put third party libraries to setup a c++ linux development environment? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3685716/where-to-put-third-party-libraries-to-setup-a-c-linux-development-environment making systemwide changes but you'll have to update your project's include paths and library paths and you'll have to put any shared..
Android NDK R5 and support of C++ exception http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4663291/android-ndk-r5-and-support-of-c-exception the setting will automatically apply to all your project's NDK modules APP_CPPFLAGS fexceptions sources cxx stl gnu libstdc..
Why can't Visual Studio find my DLL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4953843/why-cant-visual-studio-find-my-dll question Specifying the path to the DLL file in your project's settings does not ensure that your application will find the..
How do I add a reference to an unmanaged C++ project called by a C# project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5107694/how-do-i-add-a-reference-to-an-unmanaged-c-project-called-by-a-c-sharp-project you to manually edit the C# project file open your C# project's csproj file with a text editor and search for all YourNativeCppProject.dll..
[UNIX] : Do I need to add all libraries in my project's makefile, that are used from a library, used in my project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5664338/unix-do-i-need-to-add-all-libraries-in-my-projects-makefile-that-are-used UNIX Do I need to add all libraries in my project's makefile that are used from a library used in my project Ha..
How to attach debugger to step into native (C++) code from a managed (C#) wrapper? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/57840/how-to-attach-debugger-to-step-into-native-c-code-from-a-managed-c-wrappe share improve this question Check the Debug tab on your project's properties page. There should be an Enable unmanaged code debugging..
Sharing precompiled headers between projects in Visual Studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/645747/sharing-precompiled-headers-between-projects-in-visual-studio from Debug of your PCH project over to your dependent project's Debug . So a copy command would look like this copy PchPath..
Building multiple executables with similar rules http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7123431/building-multiple-executables-with-similar-rules cleans all the projects. When building and cleaning from a project's directory it only builds and cleans the project's binaries... from a project's directory it only builds and cleans the project's binaries. These makefiles also automatically generate dependencies..
Debugging embedded Lua http://stackoverflow.com/questions/780448/debugging-embedded-lua extension in Lua for Windows and there is the Kepler project's RemDebug as well as their LuaEclipse . RemDebug may be on the..
How to show command line build options in Visual C++ 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/823854/how-to-show-command-line-build-options-in-visual-c-2008 setting in the General sub tab of the C C tab in the project's property pages. If you set it to No it will show in the Output..