c++ Programming Glossary: pages
Most vexing parse: why doesn't A a(()); work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1424510/most-vexing-parse-why-doesnt-a-a-work If you are interested in that though the wikipedia pages won't be enough you'll have to get a book. share improve this..
How can I use C++ code to interact with PHP? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1502244/how-can-i-use-c-code-to-interact-with-php could also buy the book Extending and Embedding PHP some pages are available as preview on Google Books too I've seen a couple..
C++0x memory model and speculative loads/stores http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2001913/c0x-memory-model-and-speculative-loads-stores To start with some of the relevant stuff Hans Boehm's pages about threads and the memory model in C 0x Boehm Threads Cannot..
How to get available memory C++/g++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2513505/how-to-get-available-memory-c-g . #include unistd.h size_t getTotalSystemMemory long pages sysconf _SC_PHYS_PAGES long page_size sysconf _SC_PAGE_SIZE.. _SC_PHYS_PAGES long page_size sysconf _SC_PAGE_SIZE return pages page_size On Windows there is GlobalMemoryStatusEx #include.. of amount of memory since some operating systems will use pages to mean whatever the hell they want disk buffers I O devices..
Could you recommend some guides about Epoll on Linux [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27247/could-you-recommend-some-guides-about-epoll-on-linux 2 how to use epoll a complete example in c Also the man pages http man wiki.net index.php 4 epoll share improve this answer..
C++ - Forward declaration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4757565/c-forward-declaration #includes for too. Suddenly the compiler has #included pages and pages of code that it needs to compile even when you only.. for too. Suddenly the compiler has #included pages and pages of code that it needs to compile even when you only wanted to..
How can I use Standard Library (STL) classes in my dll interface or ABI? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5661738/how-can-i-use-standard-library-stl-classes-in-my-dll-interface-or-abi functions variables. The actual definition is almost 4 pages in the Standard but here's just a snippet of it namespace std..
Why is CUDA pinned memory so fast? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5736968/why-is-cuda-pinned-memory-so-fast the page prevents it from being swapped out mlock locks pages in the address range starting at addr and continuing for len.. range starting at addr and continuing for len bytes. All pages that contain a part of the specified address range are guaranteed.. on my system so there was never any risk that the memory pages could've been swapped out yet I still observed the speedup...
trivial vs. standard layout vs. POD http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6496545/trivial-vs-standard-layout-vs-pod but explaining that to a layman would be several pages in itself... PODs were mis defined in C 98. There are really..
How to get memory usage at run time in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/669438/how-to-get-memory-usage-at-run-time-in-c _SC_PAGE_SIZE 1024 in case x86 64 is configured to use 2MB pages vm_usage vsize 1024.0 resident_set rss page_size_kb int main..
Why would one replace default new and delete operators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7149461/why-would-one-replace-default-new-and-delete-operators data structures so they are clustered together on as few pages as possible. custom Placement versions of new and delete can..
Should C++ eliminate header files? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/752793/should-c-eliminate-header-files their calling syntax etc without having to wade through pages of the code that implements the class. And yes I know about..
How to name a thread in Linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/778085/how-to-name-a-thread-in-linux I have to do thread apply all bt then look through pages of backtrace output to find the right thread . The Windows solution..
Why is one loop so much slower than two loops? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8547778/why-is-one-loop-so-much-slower-than-two-loops allocations are requested the allocator will request fresh pages from the OS. Therefore there is a high chance that large allocations..
0xC0020001: The string binding is invalid. - Only occurring in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11835748/0xc0020001-the-string-binding-is-invalid-only-occurring-in-wpf click the project node click Properties. In the Property Pages dialog box click Linker click Command Line and then add this.. Additional Options field. Link msvcrt.lib. In the Property Pages dialog box click Linker click Input. and then add msvcrt.lib..
gcc/g++: “No such file or directory” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12919081/gcc-g-no-such-file-or-directory or in Visual Studio the folders can be set in the Property Pages of the Project under Configuration Properties C C General Additional..
How do I enable the SSE/SSE2 instruction set in Visual Studio 2008 (using CMake)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1480916/how-do-i-enable-the-sse-sse2-instruction-set-in-visual-studio-2008-using-cmake using CMake In Visual Studio 2005 I went in View Property Pages C C Code Generation Enable Enhanced Instruction Set But in Visual..
C++ deque's iterator invalidated after push_front() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1658956/c-deques-iterator-invalidated-after-push-front of page pointers. Array of pointers if this grows Data Pages and gets copied these never move iterators are invalid due to..
LNK2001 error when compiling apps referencing STLport-5.1.4 with VC++ 2008 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/261377/lnk2001-error-when-compiling-apps-referencing-stlport-5-1-4-with-vc-2008 adding the Include directories to each Project's Property Pages Configuration Properties C C General Additional Include Directories..
What std::locale names are available on common windows compilers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4406895/what-stdlocale-names-are-available-on-common-windows-compilers links to Language Strings Country Region String Code Pages Although my answers covers setlocale instead of std locale this..
The implementation of random_device in VS2010? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9549357/the-implementation-of-random-device-in-vs2010 Write Operation Count I O Other Operation Count Available Pages Committed Pages Commit Limit Peak Commitment Page Fault Count.. Count I O Other Operation Count Available Pages Committed Pages Commit Limit Peak Commitment Page Fault Count Copy On Write.. Page Read I O Count Cache Read Count Cache I O Count Dirty Pages Write Count Dirty Write I O Count Mapped Pages Write Count Mapped..