c++ Programming Glossary: packets
Intercept windows open file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1109564/intercept-windows-open-file Middle network concept but with files instead of network packets. Thanks for reading. c windows winapi events file io share..
How to support both IPv4 and IPv6 connections http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1618240/how-to-support-both-ipv4-and-ipv6-connections in support so that IPV4 and IPV6 connections can send packets to a server. I was hoping that someone could help me out and..
Is there an API for Wireshark, to develop programs/plugins that interact with it/enhance it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2198972/is-there-an-api-for-wireshark-to-develop-programs-plugins-that-interact-with-it I appreciate the suggestions for different ways to receive packets but I want to implement packet injection into Wireshark. Sniffing.. share improve this question I use pypcap to read packets and dpkt to parse. For example to use dpkt to read packets from.. packets and dpkt to parse. For example to use dpkt to read packets from a saved pcap import socket import dpkt import sys pcapReader..
What is the optimal size of a UDP packet for maximum throughput? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276058/what-is-the-optimal-size-of-a-udp-packet-for-maximum-throughput of a UDP packet for maximum throughput I need to send packets from one host to another over a potentially lossy network. In.. in the loss of the entire packet right If I use smaller packets I'll incur the overhead of the UDP and IP header If I use a.. retransmission buffer management dealing with reordered packets and so on . If you start reimplementing all the TCP algorithms..
Off-the-Shelf C++ Hex Dump Code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29242/off-the-shelf-c-hex-dump-code for me to have code to display or log hex dumps of data packets. Every time I do this I write yet another hex dump routine from..
How do I programatically collect packets from passively sniffing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3798733/how-do-i-programatically-collect-packets-from-passively-sniffing do I programatically collect packets from passively sniffing I want to test the vulnerability of.. man in the middle attacks. How on Mac OS X do I analyze packets. I'll be checking where they are going pulling information from..
any good and simple RPC library for inter-process calls? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5398673/any-good-and-simple-rpc-library-for-inter-process-calls your messages are really simple I might consider using UDP packets then there are no connections to manage. share improve this..
Operator Precedence vs Order of Evaluation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5473107/operator-precedence-vs-order-of-evaluation instructions executed in parallel. The Itanium also uses packets of instructions but designates a bit in an instruction packet..
How to Build a custom simple DNS server in C/C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/649618/how-to-build-a-custom-simple-dns-server-in-c-c as ldns which can provide the access to the underlying DNS packets. I'm using ldns myself in conjunction with libevent to implement..
HTTPS request with Boost.Asio and OpenSSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7046370/https-request-with-boost-asio-and-openssl like Wireshark which decodes as much information from the packets as possible. Here it would allow to see that the server is actually.. allow to see that the server is actually sending less packets I expect another possibility would have been that your client..
Audio output with video processing with opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8187745/audio-output-with-video-processing-with-opencv there . They show how to deal with SDL and how to read packets of audio video streams. #include highgui.h #include cv.h extern.. struct PacketQueue AVPacketList first_pkt last_pkt int nb_packets int size SDL_mutex mutex SDL_cond cond PacketQueue PacketQueue.. pkt1 else q last_pkt next pkt1 q last_pkt pkt1 q nb_packets q size pkt1 pkt.size SDL_CondSignal q cond SDL_UnlockMutex q..
What are the common causes for high CPU usage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9275262/what-are-the-common-causes-for-high-cpu-usage which now uses most of the CPU cycles reads a file parses packets of some format in it and generates patterns out of them. If..
How to set the don't fragment (DF) flag on a socket? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/973439/how-to-set-the-dont-fragment-df-flag-on-a-socket I am trying to set the DF don't fragment flag for sending packets using UDP. Looking at the Richard Steven's book Volume 1 Unix.. to do the retransmits if necessary. The kernel will reject packets that are bigger than the known path MTU if this flag is set..