c++ Programming Glossary: outs
Debugger steps deeper when trying to step out of C++11 std lib http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12651441/debugger-steps-deeper-when-trying-to-step-out-of-c11-std-lib even deeper It can take several sometimes 10 or more step outs before I get back to my own code and I never wanted to step..
stack overflow c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14182127/stack-overflow-c i' trying to solve a task. a already have code but system outs stack overflow i'm new in c and my english isn't good so i'm..
Avoiding if statement inside a for loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16871471/avoiding-if-statement-inside-a-for-loop . I could easily avoid this by placing the check outside of my for loop. However I'll get loads of duplicate code.. I've been thinking is two private functions one of them outs the index and then calls the other. The other one only outs.. the index and then calls the other. The other one only outs the value. However I can't figure out how to use it with my..
How to read arbitrary number of values using std::copy? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/250096/how-to-read-arbitrary-number-of-values-using-stdcopy I'm trying to code opposite action to this std ostream outs properly initialized of course std set int my_set ditto outs.. properly initialized of course std set int my_set ditto outs my_set.size std copy my_set.begin my_set.end std ostream_iterator.. std copy my_set.begin my_set.end std ostream_iterator int outs it should be something like this std istream ins std set int..
fatal error C1014: too many include files : depth = 1024 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2582521/fatal-error-c1014-too-many-include-files-depth-1024 fps frameCnt 1 float mspf 1000.0f fps std wostringstream outs outs.precision 6 outs L FPS fps L n Milliseconds Per Frame.. frameCnt 1 float mspf 1000.0f fps std wostringstream outs outs.precision 6 outs L FPS fps L n Milliseconds Per Frame mspf.. mspf 1000.0f fps std wostringstream outs outs.precision 6 outs L FPS fps L n Milliseconds Per Frame mspf mFrameStats outs.str..
Serial Comm using WriteFile/ReadFile http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6036716/serial-comm-using-writefile-readfile the file but before you try to use it COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout 1 timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier.. but before you try to use it COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout 1 timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier 1.. COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout 1 timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier 1 timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant..
Does there exist a “wiki” for editing doxygen comments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/930622/does-there-exist-a-wiki-for-editing-doxygen-comments write update documentation for a lot of existing Lua call outs. So I figured it may be nice if I could write the documentation..