c++ Programming Glossary: outit
Converting binary data to printable hex http://stackoverflow.com/questions/412954/converting-binary-data-to-printable-hex '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' T1 iterator outit out.begin for T2 const_iterator it in.begin it in.end it outit.. out.begin for T2 const_iterator it in.begin it in.end it outit hexDigits it 4 outit hexDigits it 0xF template class T1 class.. it in.begin it in.end it outit hexDigits it 4 outit hexDigits it 0xF template class T1 class T2 void asciihex T1..
Is there a C++ iterator that can iterate over a file line by line? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2291802/is-there-a-c-iterator-that-can-iterate-over-a-file-line-by-line is Line line return std getline is line template class OutIt void read_lines std istream is OutIt dest typedef std istream_iterator.. line template class OutIt void read_lines std istream is OutIt dest typedef std istream_iterator detail Line InIt std copy..
How to copy a certain number of chars from a file to a vector the STL-way? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3829885/how-to-copy-a-certain-number-of-chars-from-a-file-to-a-vector-the-stl-way one I believe to be correct template class InIt class OutIt OutIt copy_n InIt src OutIt dest size_t n if n return dest dest.. I believe to be correct template class InIt class OutIt OutIt copy_n InIt src OutIt dest size_t n if n return dest dest src.. template class InIt class OutIt OutIt copy_n InIt src OutIt dest size_t n if n return dest dest src while n dest src return..
tr1::unordered_set union and intersection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/896155/tr1unordered-set-union-and-intersection difference template typename InIt1 typename InIt2 typename OutIt OutIt unordered_set_intersection InIt1 b1 InIt1 e1 InIt2 b2.. template typename InIt1 typename InIt2 typename OutIt OutIt unordered_set_intersection InIt1 b1 InIt1 e1 InIt2 b2 InIt2.. InIt1 b1 InIt1 e1 InIt2 b2 InIt2 e2 OutIt out while b1 e1 if std find b2 e2 b1 e2 out b1 out b1 return..
Compiling a simple parser with Boost.Spirit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9404558/compiling-a-simple-parser-with-boost-spirit unchanged return true template typename Iterator typename OutIt struct skel_grammar public qi grammar Iterator struct fastfwd.. return true false to fail the parse copy skel_grammar OutIt out skel_grammar base_type start using namespace qi #ifdef..