c++ Programming Glossary: outputting
Erasing using backspace control character http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12765297/erasing-using-backspace-control-character only moves the cursor. Of course you could always avoid outputting the comma in the first place if i 0 cout cout a i share improve..
Transparent window containing opaque text and buttons http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1294805/transparent-window-containing-opaque-text-and-buttons for the text and button. Also since you are going to be outputting text I recommend that you call SystemParametersInfo to get the..
Doing serialization using streams C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17277070/doing-serialization-using-streams-c it into the string it is reading. In the loop where you're outputting to cout you need an endl after each field. With regards to your..
How can you detect if two regular expressions overlap in the strings they can match? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1849447/how-can-you-detect-if-two-regular-expressions-overlap-in-the-strings-they-can-ma for DFA if A a B in one NFA you can go from state A to B outputting the letter 'a' and X a Y in the other NFA then A X a B Y in..
what does std::endl represent exactly on each platform? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1911018/what-does-stdendl-represent-exactly-on-each-platform the buffer and another doesn't. I get that. But if I'm outputting text to a file does ' n' LF or does it convert to CR LF on windows..
C++: Printing ASCII Heart and Diamonds With Platform Independent http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2094366/c-printing-ascii-heart-and-diamonds-with-platform-independent points map to the ASCII control character glyphs you're outputting if the console is set to raster fonts and therefore not supporting..
UTF-8, CString and CFile? (C++, MFC) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2318481/utf-8-cstring-and-cfile-c-mfc really knowing which was erroneous with my new way of outputting the text I got acceptable results. By adding the UTF 8 BOM char..
Knight movement… “ how to output all possible moves. ” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2573404/knight-movement-how-to-output-all-possible-moves array for i 0 i 5 i for j 0 j 5 j p i j 0 used i j 0 outputting the initialized array.. i 0 while i 5 for j 0 j 5 j cout..
C/C++ source file after preprocessing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/277258/c-c-source-file-after-preprocessing to Microsoft Visual C has three different options for outputting the preprocessed file hence the inconsistency in the previous..
OpenAL: How to create simple “Microphone Echo” programm? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4087727/openal-how-to-create-simple-microphone-echo-programm open AL code for reading data from default microphone and outputting on to default loudspeakers I am developing on windows 7 under..
OpenCV rgb value for cv::Point in cv::Mat http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4747920/opencv-rgb-value-for-cvpoint-in-cvmat below work I'm kinda new with C and didn't know that outputting a unsigned char through cout gives a questionmark printf offcourse..
std::ostream need help with function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4801196/stdostream-need-help-with-function because it's the ostream class that is responsible for outputting things rather than your own class it will hopefully make sense...
What's a “recursive_init_error” exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6967179/whats-a-recursive-init-error-exception get that output but instead GCC handled it gracefully outputting at runtime init terminated by recursive_init_error exception..
How to use the ANSI Escape code for outputting colored text on Console http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7414983/how-to-use-the-ansi-escape-code-for-outputting-colored-text-on-console to use the ANSI Escape code for outputting colored text on Console I read about ANSI C escape codes here..
Efficient way of storing Huffman tree http://stackoverflow.com/questions/759707/efficient-way-of-storing-huffman-tree table for the whole document. This would only require outputting the tree once and thus efficiency is not that big of a concern..
In CMake, how do I work around the Debug and Release directories Visual Studio 2010 tries to add? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7747857/in-cmake-how-do-i-work-around-the-debug-and-release-directories-visual-studio-2 very keen on adding Debug and Release subdirectories when outputting binaries and for various reasons I've always been very keen..
“\n” or '\n' or std::endl to std::cout? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8311058/n-or-n-or-stdendl-to-stdcout which a loop has to be set up which is more complex than outputting a single character. Of course when doing IO this rarely matters..
How can I see the output of the Visual C++ preprocessor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8978997/how-can-i-see-the-output-of-the-visual-c-preprocessor to Microsoft Visual C has three different options for outputting the preprocessed file hence the inconsistency in the previous..
Colour output of program run under BASH http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9943187/colour-output-of-program-run-under-bash terminals respect the ASCII color sequences. They work by outputting ESC followed by then a semicolon separated list of color values.. 42 Green 43 Yellow 44 Blue 45 Magenta 46 Cyan 47 White So outputting 033 31 47m should make the terminal front text color red and..