c++ Programming Glossary: nonfree
OpenCV SURF function is not implemented http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11175794/opencv-surf-function-is-not-implemented #include opencv2 calib3d calib3d.hpp #include opencv2 nonfree features2d.hpp #include opencv2 nonfree nonfree.hpp using namespace.. #include opencv2 nonfree features2d.hpp #include opencv2 nonfree nonfree.hpp using namespace std using namespace cv int main.. opencv2 nonfree features2d.hpp #include opencv2 nonfree nonfree.hpp using namespace std using namespace cv int main cv initModule_nonfree..
openCV 2.4.3 iOS framework compiler trouble recognising some c++ headers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13905471/opencv-2-4-3-ios-framework-compiler-trouble-recognising-some-c-headers only seems to concern the following header files opencv2 nonfree features2d.hpp opencv2 nonfree nonfree.hpp opencv2 video video.hpp.. header files opencv2 nonfree features2d.hpp opencv2 nonfree nonfree.hpp opencv2 video video.hpp if I don't include these.. files opencv2 nonfree features2d.hpp opencv2 nonfree nonfree.hpp opencv2 video video.hpp if I don't include these three files..