c++ Programming Glossary: nonblocking
C++ how do I terminate my programm using ESC button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17174849/c-how-do-i-terminate-my-programm-using-esc-button HANDLE h GetStdHandle STD_INPUT_HANDLE this way we achieve nonblocking read . if WaitForSingleObject h 0 WAIT_OBJECT_0 cin value .. h IR 1 read alone . this way no need even to sleeep nonblocking keypress DWORD keypress INPUT_RECORD IR 1 DWORD read static.. our keypress function will be simple anyway im posting nonblocking one nonblocking keypress key keypress if key '0' key '9'..
How to make 'send' as non-blocking in winsock http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17227092/how-to-make-send-as-non-blocking-in-winsock to send is 20ms do you know how I can turn the send to a nonblocking operation c windows winsock share improve this question ..
BSD Sockets - How to use non-blocking sockets? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6699488/bsd-sockets-how-to-use-non-blocking-sockets it like that . Any help is appreciated. c sockets tcp bsd nonblocking share improve this question Whenever I run it the server..
Blocking socket returns EAGAIN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/735249/blocking-socket-returns-eagain wset int n const SOCKET sock m_Socket set the socket as nonblocking IO const int flags fcntl sock F_GETFL 0 fcntl sock F_SETFL flags..