c++ Programming Glossary: node's
std::unique_ptr<> as pointer in a node based structure http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12168821/stdunique-ptr-as-pointer-in-a-node-based-structure You can clear it iteratively making sure that each node's next pointer is empty before destroying the node while head..
How do you insert into a sorted linked list? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1320460/how-do-you-insert-into-a-sorted-linked-list headByName current_node the list ptrs will have the first node's address. headByRating current_node while headByName nextByName..
singly linked chain printing c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13390449/singly-linked-chain-printing-c struct Node int Item User data item Node Succ Link to the node's successor unsigned Num Current count of items in the set Node..
Swapping Nodes on a single linked list http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1535988/swapping-nodes-on-a-single-linked-list so happened in my example that we were swapping one of the node's next values twice because they were next to each other. But..
STL priority queue and overloading with pointers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15646451/stl-priority-queue-and-overloading-with-pointers minHeap And then I have a struct to compare the node's weights struct node_comparison bool operator const Node a const..
Concatenating/Merging/Joining two AVL trees http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2037212/concatenating-merging-joining-two-avl-trees child is the right tree O log n determine and set that node's balance factor O log n . In temporary violation of the invariant..
Topological Sort with Grouping http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4073119/topological-sort-with-grouping edge non 0 edge Returns 1d array where each index is that node's group_id vector int top_sort vector vector int graph int size..
Given a binary search tree and a number, find a path whose node's data added to be the given number. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8659736/given-a-binary-search-tree-and-a-number-find-a-path-whose-nodes-data-added-to a binary search tree and a number find a path whose node's data added to be the given number. Given a binary search tree..