c++ Programming Glossary: ne
Inheriting std::istream or equivalent http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1231461/inheriting-stdistream-or-equivalent std istream or equivalent I need to bridge two libraries over a stream. QDataStream which is.. inherits istream and wraps QDataStream. Have anybody done that before If what I thought wasn't the proper way I wonder.. it than understanding the streambuf interface personally I never have used it but I've written multiple streambuf I'll see..
Which one will execute faster, if (flag==0) or if (0==flag)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4624536/which-one-will-execute-faster-if-flag-0-or-if-0-flag one will execute faster if flag 0 or if 0 flag Interview question.. faster if flag 0 or if 0 flag Interview question Which one will execute faster if flag 0 or if 0 flag Why c c share.. are already some caveat Nawaz did point out the user defined trap . And I regret my hastily cast upvote on stupidest question..
How to compile ASL (boost based Adobe C++ gui library) on linux? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6461621/how-to-compile-asl-boost-based-adobe-c-gui-library-on-linux ASL on linux by first fixing out of date asl_1.0.43_net_setup.sh . It was quite eazy here is our code # bin bash ASL_DISTRO_NAME.. 1.0.43 APL_NAME platform_release ASL_DISTRO_SITE surfnet.dl.sourceforge.net BOOST_NAME boost_1_44_0 BOOST_VERSION 1.44.0.. platform_release ASL_DISTRO_SITE surfnet.dl.sourceforge.net BOOST_NAME boost_1_44_0 BOOST_VERSION 1.44.0 BOOST_DISTRO_NAME..