

c++ Programming Glossary: mylaneconectorsorter

How to sort a std::set with const getters


Lane To and my comparator function is as follows struct MyLaneConectorSorter bool operator LaneConnector c LaneConnector d Lane a const_cast.. _Rb_tree_const_iterator LaneConnector _Compare anonymous MyLaneConectorSorter home ... dev Basic shared conf simpleconf.cpp 1104 65 instantiated.. const_casts by making it take const pointers struct MyLaneConectorSorter bool operator const LaneConnector lhs const LaneConnector rhs..

sort std::set using operator() to order the insertions


Lane From Lane To and a functor to compare as struct MyLaneConectorSorter bool operator const LaneConnector rhs const LaneConnector lhs.. set LaneConnector src ..... const std set LaneConnector MyLaneConectorSorter dest src.begin src.end MyLaneConectorSorter The size of the.. LaneConnector MyLaneConectorSorter dest src.begin src.end MyLaneConectorSorter The size of the dest set will be 1 while the src has more 14..