

c++ Programming Glossary: mystream

std::endl is of unknown type when overloading operator<<


value. Here is a code example #include iostream struct MyStream template typename T MyStream operator const T x std cout x.. #include iostream struct MyStream template typename T MyStream operator const T x std cout x return this function that takes.. function that takes a custom stream and returns it typedef MyStream MyStreamManipulator MyStream take in a function with the custom..

Overload handling of std::endl?


handling of std endl I want to define a class MyStream so that MyStream myStream myStream 1 2 3 std endl 5 6 std endl.. of std endl I want to define a class MyStream so that MyStream myStream myStream 1 2 3 std endl 5 6 std endl 7 8 std endl gives.. work you want. #include iostream #include sstream class MyStream public std ostream Write a stream buffer that prefixes each..

how does ofstream or ostream type cast all types to string?


you must provide that overload in your class class mystream ... public template typename T mystream operator T datum stream.. your class class mystream ... public template typename T mystream operator T datum stream datum return this overload for manipulators.. T datum stream datum return this overload for manipulators mystream operator manip1 fp stream fp return this mystream operator manip2..

Is it possible to read infinity or NaN values using input streams?


365.269511 0.356123 Inf 0.000000 When I use std ifstream mystream to read from the file to some double d1 1 d2 1 d3 1 d4 1 assume.. from the file to some double d1 1 d2 1 d3 1 d4 1 assume mystream has already been opened and the file is valid mystream d1 d2.. mystream has already been opened and the file is valid mystream d1 d2 d3 d4 mystream is in the fail state. I would expect std..