

c++ Programming Glossary: monitors

difference between WH_KEYBOARD and WH_KEYBOARD_LL?


i read that it Installs a hook procedure that monitors low level keyboard input events. What is meant by low level..

Display Different images per monitor directX 10


you wish to do render different content on two different monitors while using a single graphics card graphics adapter which maps.. card graphics adapter which maps its output to those monitors. For that you're going to need one device for the single graphics.. depends like the swap chains and windows on the number of monitors you have. But to save you from spewing words let's write it..

C++ plugin for Unity “EntryPointNotFoundExeption”


_locator IWbemServices _service IEnumWbemClassObject _monitors #endif WMIWrapper.cpp #include WMIWrapper.h extern C WMIWrapper.. FROM Win32_DesktopMonitor WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY NULL _monitors ERRStream Unable to retrieve desktop monitors std hex hRes.. NULL _monitors ERRStream Unable to retrieve desktop monitors std hex hRes endl return L IWbemClassObject clsObj NULL int..

Monitoring Keyboard keys in Ubuntu [duplicate]


background process in Ubuntu I am writting a program which monitors the keys pressed on a keyboard. But my program may be running..

How can I find out how much memory my c++ app is using on the Mac


of the ps and top commands. It is part of my program that monitors the memory of other processes. #ifdef __APPLE__ #include sys..

EnumDisplayDevices vs WMI Win32_DesktopMonitor, how to detect active monitors?


vs WMI Win32_DesktopMonitor how to detect active monitors For my current C project I need to detect a unique string for.. Use WMI and query the Win32_DesktopMonitor for all active monitors. Use the PNPDeviceID for unique identification of monitors... monitors. Use the PNPDeviceID for unique identification of monitors. Use the EnumDisplayDevices API and dig down to get the device..

Monitor battery charge with Win32 API


with Win32 API I'm trying to write a small app that monitors how much power is left in a notebook battery and I'd like to..

Implement “tail -f” in C++


in the standard output. The idea is to have a thread that monitors the file Is there an easy way to do it without opening and closing..

How detect current screen resolution?


SM_CYSCREEN GetDeviceCaps can also be used Size of all monitors combined GetSystemMetrics SM_CX YVIRTUALSCREEN Size of work..

Application crash with no explanation


files just stop logging. Shortly after the process that monitors the server notices that it's no longer responding sends an alert..

What's the usual way of controlling frame rate?


out a new frame when the monitor is done refreshing. Many monitors refresh at 60 Hz so you tend to get 60 FPS. This works quite..

How to monitor a folder with all subfolders and files inside?


the project notify tools EXAMPLE as asked in comments It monitors tmp inotify1 tmp inotify2 for new files created displays the..