

c++ Programming Glossary: modelview

Why do you use camera space instead of model space for normals?


chain model local coordinates are transformed by the modelview matrix directly into view space p_view MV · p_local Since you.. space p_view MV · p_local Since you normally have only one modelview matrix it would be cumbersome to separate this steap into something..

c++ OpenGL rotations and calculations


need coordinates in model space you must multiply inverse modelview matrix by global coordinates vector. If you need coordinates.. need coordinates in global space than you must multiply modelview matrix by model coordinates vector. coordinates send by vertex.. send by vertex are in model space you can obtain actual modelview matrix with gl functions glGetFlotav glGetDoublev double m 16..

C++ OpenGL window only tracks background


glOrtho 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 1.0 1.0 Set matrix mode to modelview. glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW Clear current modelview matrix to.. mode to modelview. glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW Clear current modelview matrix to identity. glLoadIdentity Keyboard input processing..

From quaternions to OpenGL rotations


do with normal rotation matrix just multiply it with your modelview matrix. This is simple example that was used to rotate cube.. glPushMatrix Multiply quaternion with current modelview matrix glMultMatrixf cameraQuaternion.toMatrix Some other transformations..

OpenGL 2D hud in 3D application


looks nice. gluPerspective fov aspect zNear zFar Set up modelview matrix glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW glLoadIdentity glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT..