c++ Programming Glossary: mat4
Pointers on modern OpenGL shadow cubemapping? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13999830/pointers-on-modern-opengl-shadow-cubemapping views are calculated. I do it by creating a vector of glm mat4's and push_back the matrices like this Create the six view matrices.. i bindBuffers Bind buffers for rendering with it glm mat4 depthModelMatrix renderedObjects i getModelMatrix Set up model.. Clear depth buffer Send MVP for shadow map glm mat4 depthMVP depthProjectionMatrix depthViewMatrices i depthModelMatrix..
Skewed frustum/off-axis projection for head tracking in OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16723674/skewed-frustum-off-axis-projection-for-head-tracking-in-opengl In OpenGL y points up z points towards the viewer. glm mat4 mvpCube mvpCube glm frustum camPtTopLeftNear.x camPtBottomRightNear.x.. mvpCube drawObject glutSolidCube glutWireCube 140 glm mat4 mvpTeapot glm translate mvpCube glm vec3 100 0 200 mvpTeapot..
Modern OpenGL: VBO, GLM and Matrix Stacks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8951509/modern-opengl-vbo-glm-and-matrix-stacks pass everything into GLSL vertex shader like this... glm mat4 MVP projection view model glUniformMatrix4fv glGetUniformLocation.. MVP 1 GL_FALSE glm value_ptr MVP or MVP 0 0 uniform mat4 MVP in vec3 Vertex void main void gl_Position MVP vec4 Vertex..