

c++ Programming Glossary: lexer

boost-sprit-lex unifying multiple tokens into a single token in lex differentiated by the id


lex differentiated by the id edit I have ripped out the lexer as it does not cleanly integrate with Qi and just obfuscates.. with Qi and just obfuscates grammars see answer below . My lexer looks as follows template typename Lexer struct tokens lex lexer.. looks as follows template typename Lexer struct tokens lex lexer Lexer tokens left_curly right_curly left_paren right_paren colon..

C++ string parsing (python style)


like a newbie question but believe me I've written a lexer in D pretty much like C which involves reading some text char..

Spirit unable to assign attribute to single-element struct (or fusion sequence)


I'm having significant difficulty doing this with a spirit lexer though. I'd expect that with the given grammar below if I called.. The error seems to mostly flow out of this line start lexer.identifier System Notes Boost 1.47.0 Mac OS X 10.7.2 clang or.. boost spirit home lex.hpp #include boost spirit home lex lexer lexertl lexer.hpp #include boost spirit home qi.hpp namespace..

Attribute & Reflection libraries for C++?


and their members. OpenC OpenC is C frontend library lexer parser DOM MOP and source to source translator. OpenC enables..

Boost Spirit Signals Successful Parsing Despite Token Being Incomplete


boost spirit using boost phoenix val template typename Lexer struct PathTokens boost spirit lex lexer Lexer PathTokens identifier.. typename Lexer struct PathTokens boost spirit lex lexer Lexer PathTokens identifier a z separator this self.add identifier.. TokenType typedef boost spirit lex lexertl lexer TokenType LexerType typedef PathTokens LexerType iterator_type TokensIterator..

Troubles with boost::spirit::lex & whitespace


namespace lex boost spirit lex template typename Lexer struct lexer_identifier lex lexer Lexer lexer_identifier identifier.. template typename Lexer struct lexer_identifier lex lexer Lexer lexer_identifier identifier a zA Z_ a zA Z0 9_ white_space t.. #include boost spirit include lex_lexertl.hpp #include my_Lexer.h namespace lex boost spirit lex int _tmain int argc _TCHAR..

Using C++11 regex to capture the contents of a context-free-grammar file


of ANTLR 's where upper case identifiers classify as a Lexer rule and lower case identifiers classify as a Parser rule. It..

boost-sprit-lex unifying multiple tokens into a single token in lex differentiated by the id


answer below . My lexer looks as follows template typename Lexer struct tokens lex lexer Lexer tokens left_curly right_curly.. as follows template typename Lexer struct tokens lex lexer Lexer tokens left_curly right_curly left_paren right_paren colon scolon..