

c++ Programming Glossary: lib

Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C++ 2010 Express [closed]


new directory C opencv which contains OpenCV header files libraries code samples etc. Now you need to add the directory C.. to add a new entry and type C opencv build x86 vc10 lib . Click Ok to close the dialog. Back to the property dialog.. entries. On the popup dialog type the files below opencv_calib3d243d.lib opencv_contrib243d.lib opencv_core243d.lib opencv_features2d243d.lib..

GCC C++ Linker errors: Undefined reference to 'vtable for XXX', Undefined reference to 'ClassName::ClassName()'


doing a hello world and linking to a commerical 3rd party library. I've included the header files linked to their libraries.. library. I've included the header files linked to their libraries but I still get linker errors. Are there some possible.. the obvious e.g. I am 99 sure I'm linking to the correct library . Is there a way to confirm the static libraries I am linking..

Win32 API to enumerate dll export functions?


you don't actually need or want to use anything from the library which makes it trivial for you to read the header the module.. LoadLibraryEx points right at it. #include winnt.h HMODULE lib LoadLibraryEx library.dll NULL DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES assert.. right at it. #include winnt.h HMODULE lib LoadLibraryEx library.dll NULL DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES assert PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER..

Calling C/C++ from python?


the quickest way to construct a python binding to a C or C library using windows if this matters c python c share improve.. Foo foo foo bar Next you have to compile this to a shared library g c fPIC foo.cpp o foo.o g shared Wl soname libfoo.so o.. shared library g c fPIC foo.cpp o foo.o g shared Wl soname libfoo.so o libfoo.so foo.o And finally you have to write your python..

How do I start a new CUDA project in Visual Studio 2008?


1 Compiling... 1 template_gold.cpp 1 Linking... 1 LIBCMT.lib crt0.obj error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol main referenced.. tick the relevant box see note 1 Add the CUDA runtime library right click on the project and choose Properties then in.. and choose Properties then in Linker General add CUDA_PATH lib PlatformName to the Additional Library Directories and in Linker..

How to use Boost in Visual Studio 2010


in the various optional components which requires external libraries. If you are using headers only libraries then all you.. requires external libraries. If you are using headers only libraries then all you need to do is to unarchive the boost download.. Directories section to include the path to your boost libraries output. The default for the example and instructions above..

C++/CLI Mixed Mode DLL Creation


managed push off #include oldskool.h #pragma comment lib oldskool.lib #pragma managed pop using namespace System public.. push off #include oldskool.h #pragma comment lib oldskool.lib #pragma managed pop using namespace System public ref class..

undefined reference to `WinMain@16'


a program using Eclipse CDT I get the following mingw lib libmingw32.a main.o main.c .text 0x106 undefined reference to.. a program using Eclipse CDT I get the following mingw lib libmingw32.a main.o main.c .text 0x106 undefined reference to `WinMain@16.. subsystem value one desires and some Windows API import libraries will then in general have to be specified explicitly C..

Create WCF service for unmanaged C++ clients


no .NET framework is installed so using .NET based helper library is not an option it must be pure unmanaged C c wcf web.. will be in the same directory as the MFC application. This library will contain the service reference i.e. the WCF proxy class.. reference to the .NET System System.ServiceModel and mscorlib assemblies. Click the OK button. Add the following files to..

OpenCV 2.3 C++ Visual Studio 2010


path to use DLLs . Added build x86 x64 vc9 vc10 mingw lib or build x86 x64 vc9 vc10 mingw staticlib as library directories.. vc9 vc10 mingw lib or build x86 x64 vc9 vc10 mingw staticlib as library directories to my linker settings. Added build include.. mingw lib or build x86 x64 vc9 vc10 mingw staticlib as library directories to my linker settings. Added build include and..

Which kind of pointer do I use when?


time I wrote C for a living std auto_ptr was all the std lib had available and boost shared_ptr was all the rage. I never..

HOG features visualisation with OpenCV, HOGDescriptor in C++


in C I use the HOGDescriptor of the OpenCV C Lib to compute the feature vectors of an images. I would like to..

GCC C++ Linker errors: Undefined reference to 'vtable for XXX', Undefined reference to 'ClassName::ClassName()'


Example Objects requires Open Close BatchRead BatchWrite Lib 1 provides Open Close read write Lib 2 provides BatchRead but.. BatchRead BatchWrite Lib 1 provides Open Close read write Lib 2 provides BatchRead but uses lib1 read BatchWrite but uses..

Switching from Java to C++ - what's the easy way? [closed]


programming oriented this is different from a typical Java Lib Take a look at the boost libraries http www.boost.org You will..

C++ standard library - when should I use it and when shouldn't I?


never write. It takes time to learn how to use the STL Std Lib effectively but once you do you'll find that it can be used..

VS2010: project is not up to date “because ”AlwaysCreate“ was specified”?


outputs are up to date. 1 All outputs are up to date. 1 Lib 1 All outputs are up to date. 1 PROJ_NAME.vcxproj C projFolder.PROJ_NAME.lib..

VS2010 static linking issue


There is an application using one function from library A. Library A calls one function of each library B and library C. Those.. and References we set everything to false except for Link Library Dependencies which is set to true. The only reference added.. each of the libraries all the settings are set to false. Library A gets references to only B and C as well as those two getting..

Compile a DLL in C/C++, then call it from another program


loading it with VB6 like this Public Declare Function add2 Lib C c dll mydll.dll num As Integer As Integer then I just called.. int main HANDLE ldll int add2 int int mul int int ldll LoadLibrary mydll.dll if ldll void HINSTANCE_ERROR add2 GetProcAddress.. and use this API call in VB6 Public Declare Function add2 Lib C c dll mydll _ ByVal num As Integer As Integer I learned not..

I don't want my Excel Add-In to return an array (instead I need a UDF to change other cells)


in a regular module. Private Declare Function SetTimer Lib user32 _ ByVal HWnd As Long _ ByVal nIDEvent As Long _ ByVal.. As Long _ As Long Private Declare Function KillTimer Lib user32 _ ByVal HWnd As Long _ ByVal nIDEvent As Long _ As Long..

How to get ready a C++ project with OpenGL, Glut and Visual Studio 2008 in Windows 7


to the folder C Program Files Microsoft SDKs Windows v6.0A Lib glut32.dll to the folder C Windows System32 2. Create an empty.. Include In Configuration Properties Linker Additional Library Directories C Program Files Microsoft SDKs Windows v6.0A..

C++ CLI error C3767: candidate function(s) not accessible


as part of the method argument. Here's the exact code Lib Project compiled as .dll project Lib.h #pragma once public ref.. Here's the exact code Lib Project compiled as .dll project Lib.h #pragma once public ref class Lib public Lib void public void.. as .dll project Lib.h #pragma once public ref class Lib public Lib void public void Extract std string data_ Lib.cpp..

Downloading and integrating Qt5 with Visual Studio 2012


in a probably NEW Windows environment variable called LIB you can use Rapid EE for this make LIB an expandable string.. variable called LIB you can use Rapid EE for this make LIB an expandable string in RapidEE even though there's only 1 entry..

Build Boost C++ WinCE


windowsce 6.00 linkflags MACHINE X86 linkflags NODEFAULTLIB oldnames.lib linkflags NODEFAULTLIB libc.lib linkflags coredll.lib.. X86 linkflags NODEFAULTLIB oldnames.lib linkflags NODEFAULTLIB libc.lib linkflags coredll.lib linkflags corelibc.lib linkflags.. stlport set STLPORT_INC STLPORT_DIR stlport set STLPORT_LIB STLPORT_DIR bin PLATFORM rem if not 1 TARGETCPU goto error..

Profiling DLL/LIB Bloat


DLL LIB Bloat I've inherited a fairly large C project in VS2005 which..

How to make #include <mysql.h> work?


properties repeat the steps and include the respective DLL LIB file path in your Additional Library Directories This will differ..

error LNK2005: xxx already defined in MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR100.dll)


LNK2005: delete already defined error in VC++


C Program Files Microsoft SDKs Windows v6.0A include _ACP_LIB C fta tara database build Debug C Program Files Microsoft Visual.. C Program Files Microsoft SDKs Windows v6.0A include LIB C fta tara database build Debug C Program Files Microsoft Visual.. Studio 9.0 C Program Files Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 lib LIBPATH c WINDOWS Microsoft.NET Framework v2.0.50727 C Program Files..

C++ DLL Export: Decorated/Mangled names


dllexport __declspec dllexport option and created a LIB with no problem. However I don't want to have to provide a LIB.. with no problem. However I don't want to have to provide a LIB file to people using the DLL in their C# application. UPDATE3.. functions I can create a static library and use the LIB no problem. I'm trying to avoid that . If I use extern C __declspec..

C++: Dynamically loading classes from dlls


to the lib file of the main app yes EXE files can have LIB files just like DLL files And that should be enough. share..

Building Boost BCP


First you need to have the proper PATH INCLUDE and LIB environment variables in your command shell. For this call the..

When building a DLL file, does the generated LIB file contain the DLL name?


building a DLL file does the generated LIB file contain the DLL name In Visual C when I build a dll the.. dll . c winapi linker share improve this question The LIB file is turned into an import table in the EXE. This does contain.. use all . This shows all of the sections defined in the .LIB file. You can ignore any .debug sections because they wouldn't..

How do I build an import library (.lib) AND a DLL in Visual C++?


relevant output file I see is a DLL file I don't see any LIB file getting generated. I looked in the project directory and.. and Debug . I believe that it is possible to build a LIB and a DLL file at the same time because on the MSDN it says.. is built. Also another user of this website is creating LIB and DLL files at the same time using Visual C . So how can I..