

c++ Programming Glossary: li.quadpart

How to use QueryPerformanceCounter?


li cout QueryPerformanceFrequency failed n PCFreq double li.QuadPart 1000.0 QueryPerformanceCounter li CounterStart li.QuadPart double.. li.QuadPart 1000.0 QueryPerformanceCounter li CounterStart li.QuadPart double GetCounter LARGE_INTEGER li QueryPerformanceCounter li.. LARGE_INTEGER li QueryPerformanceCounter li return double li.QuadPart CounterStart PCFreq int main StartCounter Sleep 1000 cout GetCounter..

How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++


ft.dwLowDateTime li.HighPart ft.dwHighDateTime uint64 ret li.QuadPart ret 116444736000000000LL Convert from file time to UNIX epoch..

C++ Logging and performance tuning library


init LARGE_INTEGER li QueryPerformanceFrequency li freq li.QuadPart init true return freq inline Timer times Timer TimeMap static..