

c++ Programming Glossary: lacks

Find position of element in C++11 range-based for loop?


p.first p.second n You can see it at ideone though it lacks the for range loop support so it's less pretty. EDIT Just remembered..

Autocompletion in Vim


an IDE under Linux and while that's certainly true it lacks one important feature autocompletion. I know about Ctrl N Exuberant..

How can I simulate interfaces in C++?


can I simulate interfaces in C Since C lacks the interface feature of Java and C# what is the preferred way..

C++ Style: Prefixing virtual keyword to overridden methods


virtual keyword. My rationale is threefold Given that C lacks an override keyword the presence of the virtual keyword at least..

Are “anonymous structs” standard? And, really, what *are* they?


construction for a type definition missing a name. C 03 lacks this explicit wording but similarly indicates that the identifier..

Using “super” in C++


as in C# where it is called base unless I'm wrong . But C lacks this keyword. So my questions is this use of typedef super common..

How are exceptions implemented under the hood?


CIL bytecode to JavaScript sourcecode. However JavaScript lacks certain features that .NET has generators threads also the two.. models aren't 100 compatible and more importantly it lacks certain features that compiler writers love either GOTO or continuations..

Is there any advantage of using map over unordered_map in case of trivial keys?


to be memory aware a map should prove better because it lacks the large array. So if you need pure lookup retrieval I'd say..

wxWidgets vs Qt [closed]


maintained at all. While it does fix it up some it still lacks anything worth using of it. It also inherited the bad things..

How to set up unit testing for Visual Studio C++


CPPUnit tries mimic the development model of JUnit but C lacks Java's features e.g. reflection to make it easy to use . CPPUnitLite..

string to float conversion?


the obvious choices. There is also atof but like atoi it lacks a way to tell you there was an error in the input so it's generally..

How do I use boost::lexical_cast and std::boolalpha? i.e. boost::lexical_cast< bool >(“true”)


is a nice solution to the string to bool problem but it lacks input validation that boost lexical_cast provides. c string..

Does C++ support compile-time counters?


is essentially a functional language and as such lacks global variables or modifiable state which would implement such.. improve this question Well yes template metaprogramming lacks side effects as it is intended. I was misled by a bug in older..

static class and singleton


paraphrased by me More natural access syntax singleton lacks a name easier to inherit from I must admit I don't find any..

Handle arbitrary length integers in C++


example or something basically if the mentioned library lacks good documentation provide some input of your own . For the..

Boolean expression (grammar) parser in c++


by others is quite tedious. Therefore the grammar lacks a certain elegance. Abstract Data Type I defined a tree data..

cout or printf which of the two has a faster execution speed C++?


might expect printf to be marginally quicker because it lacks the minor complications of object orientedness . Yet given that..

How do you implement unit-testing in large scale C++ projects?


I would choose at least in its stable version 1.x as it lacks many tests and requires a lot of redundant lines of codes ...