c++ Programming Glossary: jmp
format of for loops http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1783822/format-of-for-loops and the results are for for int i 0 i 5 i movl 0 12 ebp jmp L2 L3 leal 12 ebp eax incl eax L2 cmpl 4 12 ebp jle L3 for int.. L2 cmpl 4 12 ebp jle L3 for int i 0 i 5 i movl 0 12 ebp jmp L7 L8 leal 12 ebp eax incl eax L7 cmpl 5 12 ebp jne L8 I think..
How do exceptions work (behind the scenes) in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307610/how-do-exceptions-work-behind-the-scenes-in-c call _Z3logj .LEHE3 call __cxa_end_catch .p2align 4 3 jmp .L5 .L11 .L8 movl eax ebx .p2align 4 6 call __cxa_end_catch.. eax ebx .p2align 4 6 call __cxa_end_catch .p2align 4 6 jmp .L14 .LFE9 .size _Z20my_catching_functionv . _Z20my_catching_functionv..
How to obtain a pointer out of a C++ vtable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5099967/how-to-obtain-a-pointer-out-of-a-c-vtable 48 8b 74 30 ff mov rsi QWORD PTR rax rsi 1 0x1 1b ff e6 jmp rsi 1d 0f 1f 00 nop DWORD PTR rax 20 48 01 d7 add rdi rdx 23.. 1f 00 nop DWORD PTR rax 20 48 01 d7 add rdi rdx 23 ff e6 jmp rsi I don't fully understand what's going on here but if I could..
Speed difference between If-Else and Ternary operator in C…? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6754454/speed-difference-between-if-else-and-ternary-operator-in-c compiled into a cmov while the if else results in a cmp jmp . Just take a look at the assembly using S to be sure. With..
How can adding code to a loop make it faster? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/688325/how-can-adding-code-to-a-loop-make-it-faster 0 mov BYTE PTR ecx 0 178 else if iScaled PRECISION3 jmp SHORT L4461 L4458 cmp edx 4096 00001000H jl SHORT L4460 179.. pDestination 255 mov BYTE PTR ecx 255 000000ffH 180 else jmp SHORT L4461 L4460 181 182 iSRGB FloatToSRGBTable3 iScaled 183.. 0 mov BYTE PTR edi 0 203 else if iScaled PRECISION3 jmp SHORT L4478 L4475 cmp edx 4096 00001000H jl SHORT L4477 204..
Hoisting the dynamic type out of a loop (a.k.a. doing Java the C++ way) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7451442/hoisting-the-dynamic-type-out-of-a-loop-a-k-a-doing-java-the-c-way rdx 94 xorl esi esi 95 leaq ___tcf_0 rip rdi 96 leave 97 jmp ___cxa_atexit 98 LFE1649 99 .align 4 100 __GLOBAL__I__Z3accPK1Aj.. 105 LCFI13 106 movl 65535 esi 107 movl 1 edi 108 leave 109 jmp __Z41__static_initialization_and_destruction_0ii 110 LFE1651.. 118 LCFI15 119 leaq __ZStL8__ioinit rip rdi 120 leave 121 jmp __ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev 122 LFE1650 123 .cstring 124 LC0 125..
tidy code for asynchronous IO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/883156/tidy-code-for-asynchronous-io x y x##y #define async_read_xx var bytes line concatentate jmp line if do_async_read bytes var schedule EPOLLIN jmp_read concatentate.. jmp line if do_async_read bytes var schedule EPOLLIN jmp_read concatentate jmp line return macros for making async code.. bytes var schedule EPOLLIN jmp_read concatentate jmp line return macros for making async code read like sync code..
while (1) Vs. for (;;) Is there a speed difference? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/885908/while-1-vs-for-is-there-a-speed-difference rbp .LCFI0 movq rsp rbp .LCFI1 .L2 movl .LC0 edi call puts jmp .L2 .LFE2 .size t_while . t_while .globl t_for .type t_for @function.. rbp .LCFI2 movq rsp rbp .LCFI3 .L5 movl .LC0 edi call puts jmp .L5 .LFE3 .size t_for . t_for .section .eh_frame a @progbits..