c++ Programming Glossary: jar
Is there any way to define a constant value to Java at compile time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/101267/is-there-any-way-to-define-a-constant-value-to-java-at-compile-time revision number author company details etc in the jar's Manifest File . This is a well documented and understood Java.. manifest files a core Ant task for example or the maven jar plugin . These can help with setting some of the attributes.. automatically I have maven configured to put the jar's maven version number Subversion revision and timestamp into..
Error of start of hadoop of the program:PriviledgedActionException http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12191575/error-of-start-of-hadoop-of-the-programpriviledgedactionexception applicable 12 08 29 08 02 10 WARN mapred.JobClient No job jar file set. User classes may not be found. See JobConf Class or..
How to call java from C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2583501/how-to-call-java-from-c from C I need to run this line from my c program java jar test.jar text1 text2 the java app will give a float value and.. C I need to run this line from my c program java jar test.jar text1 text2 the java app will give a float value and give it.. java stuff before from my ms visual studio C file. java c jar share improve this question When I run the java command..
Is there a way to call a .jar file inside C++ code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5269982/is-there-a-way-to-call-a-jar-file-inside-c-code there a way to call a .jar file inside C code I need to execute a jar file from inside.. way to call a .jar file inside C code I need to execute a jar file from inside of some C code. The jar file reads in some.. need to execute a jar file from inside of some C code. The jar file reads in some data from a text file and then writes out..
run a executable jar from c++ code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7844884/run-a-executable-jar-from-c-code a executable jar from c code I need to execute a jar file from inside of some.. a executable jar from c code I need to execute a jar file from inside of some C code. i tried this following command.. i tried this following command int ret execlp java java jar myprog.jar char 0 it's working fine.but my problem is my c main..
c++: How to debug a C++ application compiled using the “Microsoft Visual C++” toolchain in eclipse? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8816923/c-how-to-debug-a-c-application-compiled-using-the-microsoft-visual-c-to do not know how to get the version of CDT but I have this jar org.eclipse.cdt_8.0.0.201109151620.jar so I guess the version.. CDT but I have this jar org.eclipse.cdt_8.0.0.201109151620.jar so I guess the version is 8.0 Thanks. P.S. Moving to the MinGW..