c++ Programming Glossary: january
How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1861294/how-to-calculate-execution-time-of-a-code-snippet-in-c Get the amount of 100 nano seconds intervals elapsed since January 1 1601 UTC and copy it to a LARGE_INTEGER structure. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime..
How do I calculate the week number given a date? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/274861/how-do-i-calculate-the-week-number-given-a-date number for that date within that year For example in 2008 January 1st to January 6th are in week 1 and January 7th to the 13th.. date within that year For example in 2008 January 1st to January 6th are in week 1 and January 7th to the 13th are in week 2.. in 2008 January 1st to January 6th are in week 1 and January 7th to the 13th are in week 2 so if my date was January 10th..
Is there a C pre-processor which eliminates #ifdef blocks based on values defined/undefined? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/525283/is-there-a-c-pre-processor-which-eliminates-ifdef-blocks-based-on-values-define It is available on SourceForge and has been since January 2010. I'll be checking it out...further reports later this year..
How to set my custom values on Y-axis of my chart [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6969719/how-to-set-my-custom-values-on-y-axis-of-my-chart
using struct keyword in variable declaration in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7729646/using-struct-keyword-in-variable-declaration-in-c int tm_mday day of the month 1 31 int tm_mon months since January 0 11 int tm_year years since 1900 int tm_wday days since Sunday.. int tm_wday days since Sunday 0 6 int tm_yday days since January 1 0 365 int tm_isdst daylight savings time flag c struct ..
what is the size of an enum type data in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8115550/what-is-the-size-of-an-enum-type-data-in-c more efficiently than smaller quantities. 0 0 0 0 January 0 0 0 1 February 0 0 1 0 March 0 0 1 1 April 0 1 0 0 May 0 1..
Move capture in lambda http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8640393/move-capture-in-lambda feature. The compiler will be released December 2013 or January 2014 if the recent release pace will be kept. UPDATE The Clang..