

c++ Programming Glossary: innards

How do C/C++ compilers work?


good programmers tend to have detailed knowledge of the innards of the compiler. I'm a reasonably good programmer and I have..

Unix Domain : connect() : No such file or directory


macro works as intended. If it does you can look at its innards. At a first glance it seems to me that the macro lacks the 1..

Is it ever not safe to throw an exception in a constructor?


once dostuff has hold of it it gets released later in the innards of dostuff. I think I want to put an autoptr around P and call..

How might I wrap the FindXFile-style APIs to the STL-style Iterator Pattern in C++?


Iterator Pattern in C I'm working on wrapping up the ugly innards of the FindFirstFile FindNextFile loop though my question applies..

How should I order the members of a C++ class?


of a class you'll likely be well acquainted with its innards but users of the class don't much care or at least they shouldn't...

What is the purpose of the statement “(void)c;”?


really sure how to phrase it. So I was looking through the innards of boost asio trying to track down some ridiculous delays and..

Should I switch from using boost::shared_ptr to std::shared_ptr?


debugger while boost shared_ptr exposes a bunch of boost's innards. std shared_ptr correctly uses delete on array types while boost..