c++ Programming Glossary: inconvenience
C++: Splitting a string by a character http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10058606/c-splitting-a-string-by-a-character approach is the usage of strtok however due to it's inconvenience converting your string to a char array etc. I do not like using..
C++ Using stringstream after << as parameter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12519829/c-using-stringstream-after-as-parameter this persists please contact contactInfo n Sorry for the inconvenience This is as clean and readable as I could have hoped for. Hopefully..
How do you validate an object's internal state? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/343605/how-do-you-validate-an-objects-internal-state it done the other way round where developers get all the inconvenience but test builds sail through broken invariants. Lots of strange..
Omit return type in C++11 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4523617/omit-return-type-in-c11 g h std forward T x I've been doing this to avoid the inconvenience having to effectively write the function body twice and having..
How do you create a static template member function that performs actions on a template class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/488959/how-do-you-create-a-static-template-member-function-that-performs-actions-on-a-t an usable class. There are two workarounds for this inconvenience First you can remove the #include foo.h from the .cpp and add..
Getting std :: ifstream to handle LF, CR, and CRLF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6089231/getting-std-ifstream-to-handle-lf-cr-and-crlf the rare files that have ' r' without ' n'. Minimizing inconvenience for any users of the software. It's easy to workaround the issue..
Strange behavior of copy-initialization, doesn't call the copy-constructor! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6163040/strange-behavior-of-copy-initialization-doesnt-call-the-copy-constructor in your implementation. I suspect that it could also inconvenience implementers to figure out whether the optimization will be..