c++ Programming Glossary: indication
How to update a printed message in terminal without reprinting (Linux) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1337529/how-to-update-a-printed-message-in-terminal-without-reprinting-linux work something like XXXXXXX which would give a visual indication of how much time there is left before the process completes...
C++ const keyword - use liberally? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1554750/c-const-keyword-use-liberally It seems redundant to me but also helpful as an extra indication the variable will not be changing . Does anyone have any opinion..
does presence of mutex help getting rid of volatile key word ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1616093/does-presence-of-mutex-help-getting-rid-of-volatile-key-word for synchronization and volatile keyword is a compile time indication to the compiler to do the right thing while doing the optimizations...
Any way to cast with class operator only? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209793/any-way-to-cast-with-class-operator-only works with the Cameau compiler which is usually a good indication that it's valid C . As you know a valid cast consists of no..
Calculating large factorials in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2098319/calculating-large-factorials-in-c to be dealing with using normal arithmetic operations. Any indication as to what direction I should go in trying to solve this type..
Using getopt to parse program arguments in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2219562/using-getopt-to-parse-program-arguments-in-c a missing option argument and getopt shall return an error indication. Otherwise optarg shall point to the string following the option..
At what point is it worth using a database? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2648802/at-what-point-is-it-worth-using-a-database or converting trees and lists to use files is a good indication your program has graduated to using a database. Also if you..
When to pass by reference and when to pass by pointer in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3613065/when-to-pass-by-reference-and-when-to-pass-by-pointer-in-c ever be passed by non const reference since it provides no indication at the point of call that the argument might be changed by the..
set/get methods in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3632533/set-get-methods-in-c In my opinion too many gets and sets are basically an indication of the fact that someone else and potentially many of them need..
Why hypot() function is so slow? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3764978/why-hypot-function-is-so-slow hypot function uses Surprisingly I couldn't find any indication of poor performance in the documentation. java c hypotenuse..
Compling C++ on remote Linux machine - “clock skew detected” warning http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3824500/compling-c-on-remote-linux-machine-clock-skew-detected-warning share improve this question That message is usually an indication that some of your files have modification times later than the..
Cancelling a thread using pthread_cancel : good practice or bad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4760687/cancelling-a-thread-using-pthread-cancel-good-practice-or-bad were not getting stopped even after receiving cancel indication even some sleeping threads were coming up after the sleep was..
Some clarification needed about synchronous versus asynchronous asio operations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5282659/some-clarification-needed-about-synchronous-versus-asynchronous-asio-operations returns to your program immediately afterwards 6 with some indication of success or failure. The analogous asynchronous operation..
Explain Morris inorder tree traversal without using stacks or recursion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502916/explain-morris-inorder-tree-traversal-without-using-stacks-or-recursion the loop makes it stop when it reaches itself which is an indication that it's left subtree has already been traversed. So it prints..
Why is getcwd() not ISO C++ compliant? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/647704/why-is-getcwd-not-iso-c-compliant are supposed to be prefixed by an underscore as an indication that they're vendor specific extensions or adhere to a non ISO..
What's preferred pattern for reading lines from a file in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7219062/whats-preferred-pattern-for-reading-lines-from-a-file-in-c then a failure flag is set and good returns false as an indication of the failure. If you want to limit the scope of line variable..
C++ Functions According to TCP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8244332/c-functions-according-to-tcp to TCP I'm using recv function C in order to get indication about network problem it return negative value in this case..
Programatically disable/enable network interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/860673/programatically-disable-enable-network-interface way sometimes it doesn't work nor does it give you any indication of what's going on or why it failed. This approach seemed to..
gaming with c++ or c#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/931502/gaming-with-c-or-c of playing games on them I think that is a strong indication of C#'s power and capability as a game development language...