c++ Programming Glossary: improving
Very poor boost::lexical_cast performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1250795/very-poor-boostlexical-cast-performance and 20 times slower than the java solution . Any ideas on improving the boost lexical_cast performance Does this stem from the poor..
What is _GLIBCXX_USE_NANOSLEEP all about? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12523122/what-is-glibcxx-use-nanosleep-all-about error when you #include thread . I have some ideas for improving that configuration so nanosleep and sched_yield will be checked..
How do you handle strings in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/133364/how-do-you-handle-strings-in-c a wide variety of options while reducing code bloat and improving performance. Really. Compilers that can't handle templates are..
Pretty-print types and class template along with all its template arguments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14092058/pretty-print-types-and-class-template-along-with-all-its-template-arguments other minute details. That works great so far. But now I'm improving on this and want to add support for non types tempate arguments..
How to improve link performance for a large C++ application in VS2005 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/143808/how-to-improve-link-performance-for-a-large-c-application-in-vs2005 like to try to reduce the time. Are there any tips for improving the link time Most of the projects compile to static libraries..
Expression templates: improving performance in evaluating expressions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15856122/expression-templates-improving-performance-in-evaluating-expressions templates improving performance in evaluating expressions By the expression templates..
Chipmunk Physics or Box2D for C++ 2D GameEngine? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2707106/chipmunk-physics-or-box2d-for-c-2d-gameengine this question You are right chipmunk has been developed improving a lot of the places where Box2D falls down. However Box2D is..
Regex to parse C/C++ functions declarations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3409210/regex-to-parse-c-c-functions-declarations for practicality not theoretical correctness. Just keep improving your regex until it catches the cases it needs to catch and..
Can const-correctness improve performance? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3435026/can-const-correctness-improve-performance where const correctness may aid your compiler with improving your program's performance c performance const correctness..
How can I synchronize three threads? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3931026/how-can-i-synchronize-three-threads the mutex's properly how should it be done Any comments on improving the above design also welcome edit below are the processes and..
mmap() vs. reading blocks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/45972/mmap-vs-reading-blocks implementation up and running and am now looking towards improving performance particularly at doing I O more efficiently since..
Prime numbers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/502443/prime-numbers correctly. Could anyone tell me how i should go about improving this current code I'm thinking of using a txt file in place..
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c types of problems. Using a VM also has a possibility of improving cache usage. Instructions for a VM are often more compact than..
Which version of OpenGL to use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6823371/which-version-of-opengl-to-use drivers. The latter are generally not as good but they are improving. These tend to be for 3.x class hardware. The MacOSX world is..
Why would one replace default new and delete operators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7149461/why-would-one-replace-default-new-and-delete-operators Statistics Before thinking of replacing new and delete for improving efficiency as mentioned in #2 You should gather information..