c++ Programming Glossary: heavier
How do I gaussian blur an image without using any in-built gaussian functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1696113/how-do-i-gaussian-blur-an-image-without-using-any-in-built-gaussian-functions would be that the end pixel written would have a much heavier weighting towards the central pixel ie the one that is in that..
Is using double faster than float? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3426165/is-using-double-faster-than-float taking up twice the memory for each number clearly implies heavier load on the cache s and more memory bandwidth to fill and spill..
nothrow or exception? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4571666/nothrow-or-exception hide the Exception and since dealing with Exceptions is heavier compared to a simple if t why isn't the normal new T not considered.. improve this question Since dealing with Exceptions is heavier compared to a simple if t why isn't the normal new T not considered..
Why Java, C# and C++ don't have ranges? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/491199/why-java-c-sharp-and-c-dont-have-ranges are acting as an enumeration and we have a better although heavier solution to that. Subrange types also complicate the type system...
Performances of Structs vs Classes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5432681/performances-of-structs-vs-classes or comparison about this. I've always thought C classes as heavier and possibly slower as well than the structs compile time isn't..
Throwing the fattest people off of an overloaded airplane. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7746648/throwing-the-fattest-people-off-of-an-overloaded-airplane if pass.Weight myHeap.Peek .Weight If this passenger is heavier than the lightest passenger already on the heap then remove..