c++ Programming Glossary: hdll
Where can I find the default icons used for folders and applications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/460980/where-can-i-find-the-default-icons-used-for-folders-and-applications some code in the internet try if that works HINSTANCE hDll hDll LoadLibrary SHELL32.dll wincl.hIcon LoadIcon hDll MAKEINTRESOURCE.. some code in the internet try if that works HINSTANCE hDll hDll LoadLibrary SHELL32.dll wincl.hIcon LoadIcon hDll MAKEINTRESOURCE.. hDll hDll LoadLibrary SHELL32.dll wincl.hIcon LoadIcon hDll MAKEINTRESOURCE 1 wincl.hIconSm LoadIcon hDll MAKEINTRESOURCE..
DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH failing to execute on Windows 7 C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8556782/dll-process-attach-failing-to-execute-on-windows-7-c #include iostream #include windows.h int main HMODULE hDll LoadLibraryA dll.dll if hDll NULL std cerr Unable to load dll.. windows.h int main HMODULE hDll LoadLibraryA dll.dll if hDll NULL std cerr Unable to load dll else std cout Dll loaded @.. std cerr Unable to load dll else std cout Dll loaded @ hDll FreeLibrary hDll The dll file #include windows.h BOOL WINAPI..
Regarding GetProcAddress http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9001619/regarding-getprocaddress GetProcAddress . Here is my code void callMyDll HINSTANCE hDll hDll LoadLibrary _T MyDll.dll if hDll NULL cout n DLL Loaded.. . Here is my code void callMyDll HINSTANCE hDll hDll LoadLibrary _T MyDll.dll if hDll NULL cout n DLL Loaded n else.. callMyDll HINSTANCE hDll hDll LoadLibrary _T MyDll.dll if hDll NULL cout n DLL Loaded n else cout n DLL Not loaded n typedef..