c++ Programming Glossary: groups
Set all bytes of int to (unsigned char)0, guaranteed to represent zero? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11138188/set-all-bytes-of-int-to-unsigned-char0-guaranteed-to-represent-zero of the object representation shall be divided into two groups value bits and padding bits there need not be any of the latter.. of the object representation shall be divided into three groups value bits padding bits and the sign bit. There need not be..
Compile the Python interpreter statically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1150373/compile-the-python-interpreter-statically static compilation of Python modules http bytes.com groups python 23235 build static python executable linux Which describes..
Is gcc4.7 buggy about regular expressions? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12530406/is-gcc4-7-buggy-about-regular-expressions to solve the issue Update one possible solution is to use groups to implement multiple alternatives e.g. st mt tr . Thanks Tunnuz..
How to use SQLite in a multi-threaded application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1680249/how-to-use-sqlite-in-a-multi-threaded-application database has one table let's call it A which has different groups of rows based on one of their columns . I have the main thread.. in the context of my app . This might happen to different groups at the same time so I might have 2 threads trying to update..
Why isnt int pow(int base, int exponent) in the standard C++ libraries? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2398442/why-isnt-int-powint-base-int-exponent-in-the-standard-c-libraries specific ones are laid down for the individual working groups and hence limit the C committees and all other ISO groups as.. groups and hence limit the C committees and all other ISO groups as well. In addition the standards setting bodies realise that..
stl::multimap - how do i get groups of data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/247818/stlmultimap-how-do-i-get-groups-of-data multimap how do i get groups of data Multimap essentially has groups of data sorted by the.. how do i get groups of data Multimap essentially has groups of data sorted by the key. I want a method by which I could.. I want a method by which I could access these individual groups and get their aggregate values. For example in a std multimap..
What is a reference variable in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2765999/what-is-a-reference-variable-in-c up any storage. As objects and references are distinct groups of entities in C so the term reference variable isn't meaningful...
Can we increase the re-usability of this key-oriented access-protection pattern? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3324898/can-we-increase-the-re-usability-of-this-key-oriented-access-protection-pattern we have to use a macro to define passkey's define passkey groups #define EXPAND pX pX #define PASSKEY_1 pKeyname pFriend1 class..
How can I assert() without using abort()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37473/how-can-i-assert-without-using-abort we gain an advantage in that we can classify various groups of assertions and enable and disable each of them as we see..
How do you set the cout locale to insert commas as thousands separators? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4728155/how-do-you-set-the-cout-locale-to-insert-commas-as-thousands-separators string by default which means no grouping. This means groups of three digits each string do_grouping const return 03 share..
Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/610245/where-and-why-do-i-have-to-put-the-template-and-typename-keywords or not. It separates them into logically different groups One catches types another catches expressions. Expressions may..
WChars, Encodings, Standards and Portability http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6300804/wchars-encodings-standards-and-portability When it comes to character handling in C there are two groups of things related respectively to portability and serialization..
SSE intrinsic functions reference [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7156908/sse-intrinsic-functions-reference which summarises all the instructions and intrinsics and groups then by technology. It runs on Linux Windows and Mac OS X. It's..
Spirit unable to assign attribute to single-element struct (or fusion sequence) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7770791/spirit-unable-to-assign-attribute-to-single-element-struct-or-fusion-sequence spirit as a tuple. Because spirit will try to minimize the groups like an optional int int is an optional int . Therefore I guessed..
how to achieve 4 FLOPs per cycle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8389648/how-to-achieve-4-flops-per-cycle and seems to try and arrange operations so that groups of 3 addpd 's alternate with 3 mulpd 's well at least on my.. loop unroll and arrange additions and multiplications in groups of three. With g O2 march nocona addmul_unroll.cpp I get at..