c++ Programming Glossary: extensively
Use of 'const' for function parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/117293/use-of-const-for-function-parameters b Is that const actually useful Personally I opt to use it extensively including parameters but in this case I wonder if it's worthwhile..
What are the advantages of using the C++ Boost libraries? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/125580/what-are-the-advantages-of-using-the-c-boost-libraries c boost share improve this question Boost is used so extensively because It is open source and peer reviewed. It provides a wide..
Calling C++ function from C#, with lots of complicated input and output parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15672351/calling-c-function-from-c-with-lots-of-complicated-input-and-output-paramete and output parameters I am new to C# but have worked extensively with C . I have a C function that needs to be called from C#...
STL or Qt containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1668259/stl-or-qt-containers style iterators are streamable with QDataStream are used extensively in Qt's API have a stable implementation accross operating systems...
Templates: template function not playing well with class's template member function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1682844/templates-template-function-not-playing-well-with-classs-template-member-funct expected. Any idea what's going on I've been working with extensively templated code for a while and have never encountered anything..
Header file best practices for typedefs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2356548/header-file-best-practices-for-typedefs best practices for typedefs I'm using shared_ptr and STL extensively in a project and this is leading to over long error prone types..
The cost of passing by shared_ptr http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2502394/the-cost-of-passing-by-shared-ptr cost of passing by shared_ptr I use std tr1 shared_ptr extensively throughout my application. This includes passing objects in..
How to handle 'this' pointer in constructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2510521/how-to-handle-this-pointer-in-constructor save a pointer back to its parent. I use boost shared_ptr extensively in my programming as a safer alternative to std auto_ptr or..
C++ using this pointer in constructors http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2516960/c-using-this-pointer-in-constructors pointer as a parameter which will be used in the thread extensively say calling member functions . Is that a bad thing to do Why..
iterator adapter to iterate just the values in a map? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/259240/iterator-adapter-to-iterate-just-the-values-in-a-map the Range and ForEach libraries which I am now using extensively. I wondered if between the two there was some facility to do..
Template typedefs - What's your work around? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26151/template-typedefs-whats-your-work-around rebind U and in many libraries including Boost. We use it extensively in a bioinformatical library . It's bloated but it's the best..
C++ for a C# developer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/285723/c-for-a-c-sharp-developer Get used to it. The C standard library obviously uses this extensively so you can get a feel for how it works there. Jumping a bit..
C++ multicharacter literal http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3960954/c-multicharacter-literal literals share improve this question I don't know how extensively this is used but implementation defined is a big red flag to..
Beyond Stack Sampling: C++ Profilers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4394606/beyond-stack-sampling-c-profilers nice to write up a bit of a retrospective. I opted to work extensively with Parallel Studios in part because it is actually built on..
Virtual functions and performance - C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/449827/virtual-functions-and-performance-c class design I use abstract classes and virtual functions extensively. I had a feeling that virtual functions affects the performance...
Async wait on file descriptor using Boost Asio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4686127/async-wait-on-file-descriptor-using-boost-asio glorified select . Is there a simple way to do that PS I'm extensively using boost asio in my software this is just a small part of..
What is the point of STL Character Traits? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5319770/what-is-the-point-of-stl-character-traits the default character traits class char_traits T is used extensively in the C standard. For example there is no class called std..
What is the best library for computer vision in C/C++? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/66722/what-is-the-best-library-for-computer-vision-in-c-c vision share improve this question We use OpenCV extensively where I work. It provides a full suite of excellent vision processing..
The new keyword “auto”; When should it be used to declare a variable type? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6900459/the-new-keyword-auto-when-should-it-be-used-to-declare-a-variable-type and doesn't reduce readability and therefore can be used extensively but in the latter case it reduces readabilty and hence shouldn't..