c++ Programming Glossary: experienced
Best resources for converting C/C++ dll headers to Delphi? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/100596/best-resources-for-converting-c-c-dll-headers-to-delphi It is meant for the beginner as well as for the more experienced translator of C and C . He also wrote a Conversion Helper Package..
SSE, intrinsics, and alignment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12502071/sse-intrinsics-and-alignment classes having the 3D vector as a member with new. I experienced odd crashes in release mode but not in debug mode and the other..
Difference between std::system_clock and std::steady_clock? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13263277/difference-between-stdsystem-clock-and-stdsteady-clock in the fall time moves back one hour so the same hour is experienced twice However steady_clock is not allowed to be affected by..
Memory allocation and deallocation across dll boundaries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1344126/memory-allocation-and-deallocation-across-dll-boundaries when it comes to exporting STL containers. We've experienced these sorts of problems before when writing custom Adobe plugins..
Is the C++ std::set thread-safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1362110/is-the-c-stdset-thread-safe Type thread 'B' occasionally adds items to this set. I've experienced segfaults as the program runs and I'm not sure why this happens...
Boost advocacy - help needed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1437053/boost-advocacy-help-needed submitting it to extensive pre publication reviewing by experienced developers a small parade of valid bug reports has trickled..
How can I call C++ functions from within ruby http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1542520/how-can-i-call-c-functions-from-within-ruby can I call C functions from within ruby I am an experienced C C developer but I am a novice in Ruby. How can I call a C..
pure virtual function with implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2089083/pure-virtual-function-with-implementation
Garbage Collection in C++ — why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/228620/garbage-collection-in-c-why of it. What advantages could garbage collection offer an experienced C developer c garbage collection c 0x share improve this.. What advantages could garbage collection offer an experienced C developer Another tool. Matt J wrote it quite right in his..
How to write portable code in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3103568/how-to-write-portable-code-in-c
Is there any guarantee of alignment of address return by C++'s new operation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/506518/is-there-any-guarantee-of-alignment-of-address-return-by-cs-new-operation alignment of address return by C 's new operation Most of experienced programmer knows data alignment is important for program's performance...
Switching from C# to C++. Any must-reads? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/68084/switching-from-c-sharp-to-c-any-must-reads but I found it quite effective as programmer who was experienced in other languages and didn't want to waste too much time with..
C++ as a first language [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/713704/c-as-a-first-language if you want have to you will find it ridiculously easy. An experienced C coder can do e.g. Java at full speed in a matter of weeks...
What is the best approach for a Java developer to learn C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/789659/what-is-the-best-approach-for-a-java-developer-to-learn-c a Java developer to learn C closed I consider myself an experienced Java developer and am planning to get started with learning..
Why GCC allows calling this function without using its namespace first? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7965262/why-gcc-allows-calling-this-function-without-using-its-namespace-first scope affect function lookup within a namespace Today I experienced this weird behavior. I can call strangeFn without using namespace..
Using Quaternions for OpenGL Rotations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9715776/using-quaternions-for-opengl-rotations the behavior I want or expect. But I'm not particularly experienced with matrix math or quaternions so I don't have the insight..