c++ Programming Glossary: expression
Undefined Behavior and Sequence Points http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4176328/undefined-behavior-and-sequence-points and Sequence Points I often use funny and convoluted expressions like a i i to make myself feel better. Why should I stop using.. §1.9 7 Side effects What are side effects Evaluation of an expression produces something and if in addition there is a change in the.. the state of the execution environment it is said that the expression its evaluation has some side effect s . For example int x y..
Where and why do I have to put the “template” and “typename” keywords? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/610245/where-and-why-do-i-have-to-put-the-template-and-typename-keywords . However if it's a non type it will be parsed as an expression. So the draft Standard says at 3.7 Some names denote types or.. different groups One catches types another catches expressions. Expressions may depend by their value and or their type. So.. types e.g a type template parameter T Value dependent expressions e.g a non type template parameter N Type dependent expressions..
Clang 3.1 and C++11 support status http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10601545/clang-3-1-and-c11-support-status cxx_status.html it says Initializer List and Lambda Expression are all supported starting from version 3.1. However using LLVM..
Difference between std::system_clock and std::steady_clock? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13263277/difference-between-stdsystem-clock-and-stdsteady-clock means C1 did not wrap around between t1 and t2 . ”end note Expression C1 is_steady Returns const bool Operational Semantics true if..
Uses of C comma operator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1613230/uses-of-c-comma-operator short circuit evaluation properties of and operators. Expression programming has no cycles though. And to replace them with recursion..
C++ Expression Templates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2598579/c-expression-templates Expression Templates I currently use C for numerical computations. I've.. use C for numerical computations. I've heard that using C Expression Templates is better for scientific computing. What are C Expression.. Templates is better for scientific computing. What are C Expression Templates in simple terms Are there books around that discuss..
Implicit conversion not happening http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3888082/implicit-conversion-not-happening float c 1 compiles b a c 2 fails b c 3 compiles return 0 Expressions 1 and 3 work perfectly while expression 2 does not compile... not compile. If I have understood properly what happens is Expression 1 c is is implicitly converted to const by using a standard.. about implicit casting as deep as possible... Expression 3 c is converted to V float . For that we have a user defined..
In C/C++, is char* arrayName[][] a pointer to a pointer to a pointer OR a pointer to a pointer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3920729/in-c-c-is-char-arrayname-a-pointer-to-a-pointer-to-a-pointer-or-a-pointe into a pointer. So the following all hold true Declaration Expression Type Decays to T a N a T N T a T N a T a i T T a M..
What's this C++ syntax that puts a brace-surrounded block where an expression is expected? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6305396/whats-this-c-syntax-that-puts-a-brace-surrounded-block-where-an-expression-is to a and prints it out. it is done by using a Statement Expression . Statement Expressions are gnu gcc compiler extension are not.. it is done by using a Statement Expression . Statement Expressions are gnu gcc compiler extension are not supported by the C C.. portable. The IBM IBM XL C C v7.0 also support Statement Expressions it's doccumentation explains them aptly Statement Expressions..
Boost::Spirit Expression Parser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8464969/boostspirit-expression-parser Spirit Expression Parser I have another problem with my boost spirit parser...
Why use Precompiled Headers (C/C++)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/903228/why-use-precompiled-headers-c-c randomString.h #include getShortPathName.h Regular Expression Libraries #include fpattern.h File Result Record #include unixTimeToFileTime.h..
Is there any kind of “expression class” (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/978247/is-there-any-kind-of-expression-class-c and built an expression from that maybe the C Mathematical Expression Library fits your bill template typename T void trig_function..
C++03. Test for rvalue-vs-lvalue at compile-time, not just at runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9084671/c03-test-for-rvalue-vs-lvalue-at-compile-time-not-just-at-runtime is to put this code into a macro true rvalue_probe EXPRESSION It is 'true' on the left of the and therefore we can be sure.. on the left of the and therefore we can be sure that EXPRESSION will never be evaluated. But the interesting thing is that the.. object in one of two ways depending on whether EXPRESSION is an lvalue or not struct rvalue_probe template class R operator..